EVSC Biomedical Sciences Receives Project Lead the Way Certification


EVSC’s Central High School has received validation that it is continuing to offer excellence through its Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences program. Project Lead the Way, the nation’s leading provider of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education programs, certified Central’s Biomedical Sciences program for the second time since 2008 when Central first started offering the program. For the past two years, Central has offered PLTW Biomedical Sciences through its Medical Professions Academy.

“Being nationally certified by Project Lead the Way is no small feat,” said Central Principal Darla Hoover. “And, to know that we have continually met and exceeded the benchmarks provided by Project Lead the Way is further proof that our program is making an impact on our students.”

As a certified Project Lead the Way program, Central students enrolled in Biomedical Sciences not only are able to participate in real-life biomedical science projects, but also have the opportunity to apply for college credit or receive college-level recognition at PLTW affiliate universities when they successfully complete selected PLTW courses in high school.

Central’s Biomedical Sciences program has evolved since its inception in 2008 to be included in the school’s Medical Professions Academy (MPA). The MPA is a four-year integrated curriculum of science, English, digital communications and PLTW biomedical sciences. The program is open to any high school freshman in the region.

MPA is a half-day program. Students enrolled in MPA have the opportunity to earn college credits from Ivy Tech, USI, and IUPUI in medical terminology, English 11, English 12, computer applications, physics 1 and all PTLW courses. Currently the program has 160 students enrolled.

“This is recognition of the outstanding opportunities provided to our students by the Central faculty and administration,” said Superintendent David Smith. “This program provides a life-changing experience that has the potential to positively impact the quality of life for all of our community’s citizenry.” As part of the recognition process, Hoover, and a team composed of teachers, staff, students, and members of the community submitted a self-assessment of the school’s implementation of PLTW’s Biomedical Sciences (BMS) program. A site visit by a PLTW trained team followed. PLTW’s team met with teachers, school administrators, counselors, students, and members of the school’s Partnership Team. A PLTW school’s Partnership Team (sometimes referred to as an Advisory Council) is comprised of teachers, counselors, administrators, post-secondary representatives, business and industry professionals, and other community members who actively support the PLTW program within a school.

Other EVSC schools who have received certification by PTLW include the Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center and Bosse, North and Reitz high schools. In addition, Helfrich Park STEM Academy, Perry Heights Middle School, Lincoln School, Lodge Community School and North Junior High School all have certified Project Lead the Way instructors.