EVSC 2012 Full Budget Proposal


EVSC 2012 Full Budget Proposal


  1. Look at the totals on page 93 of this pdf file at the actual amount expended in the previous year versus the proposed amount being sought for 2012 for non-certified (code speak for UNION) bus drivers.

    Over $2.MM more than was actually spent last year. Why did they feel the need to pad that item to that extent. Does it have anything to do with location of the new North HS and Middle School?


  2. According to Pat Tuley of the EVSC, the state portion of tuition paid per EVSC student was:

    2010…… $5,811
    2011…… $5,250, and they expect in
    2012…… $5,457

    The 2012 Proposed Budget Summary presented at the last School Board meeting can be viewed at:


    Budgets for Capital Projects, Bus Replacement, Debt Service and other finance related items can be found at:


    Enlighten yourself.

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