October 25th, 6-8pm
318 Main St. downtown Evansville
Join us this Friday

6:00PM – 8:00PM
October 25, 2013
The Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana
318 Main St.
Evansville, IN
Enjoy a fun Friday night at the Arts Council as we welcome home all of our Eville monsters. All 21 monsters were displayed at different businesses and organizations throughout Evansville and now they are coming home to us. Join in the fun by dressing up and being a part of our costume contest! Best costume will win a free *annual membership with the Arts Council.
Be the juror! You can vote for your favorite monster by adding $1 or more to their corresponding voting box. The monster with the most money in their voting box will win all the cash and receive a Blick giftbag valued at $50.
If you have questions about the Eville Monsters Homecoming Party, please contact the Arts Council at (812) 422-2111.
*If you are already a member of the Arts Council and win the costume contest, your new free membership will begin after your current membership runs out.