LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Even the Best Republicans Can’t Fix Our Mess


Andrew Horning is announcing his candidacy for the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024:

I admire loyalty.  But partisan divisions and contempt are tearing us apart. They make us believe we must double down and reinforce this tribal warfare.

It’s time to face the truth. Any vote for any major party candidate is a vote for a global puppet show of lobbyists, permanent partisan DC staffers, bureaucrats, bundlers, kingmakers, military industrialists and, increasingly, a relative few wealthy authoritarians scheming global domination and oppression behind the curtain of an unconstitutional, inherently divisive and destructive “Two Party System.” We should be enraged enough by the rising debts, inflation and cost of living, along with loss of rights, wealth, security, health, opportunity, and of course, freedom, that we’d vote it all away. Yet we embolden the status quo’s crony crime ring with our predictable votes of overwhelming approval.

The very best GOP officeholders, like Thomas Massie and Rand Paul, are well-intentioned, but voluntary cogs in a machine bigger than any candidate, bigger than the major parties, and, sadly, bigger than the USA.  The best Republicans (and there are many well-intentioned fine people in both major parties) can only waste our best efforts, money and time. They give us only false hope. They misappropriate our power of peaceful revolution. They waste our votes. We’ve been warned for generations, and not just by Eisenhower or our nation’s Founding Fathers.

Yet there’s no need to detail our culture’s many, vast, fundamental, and catastrophic problems or their surprisingly simple solutions. I wrote a whole book about it, and am offering a free Kindle Edition copy of “Relighting the Torch” from June 5 through June 9.

We have an opportunity to resurrect the best ideas in human history and to vote away the worst.  We can have peace, prosperity, security, liberty, and justice for all, at long last.  But we have to stop voting against ourselves…and for a better way.

The constitutional purpose of U.S. Senators is to be the voice of our sovereign states against the violation of constitutional restraints, concomitant encroachment and abuse of power, and loss of individual human rights.  For that fundamental, constitutional, legal purpose, Indiana has not had a U.S. Senator for generations.  But there will be one such candidate for Indiana US Senate in 2024 — me.



  1. Mr. Horning is the perpetual candidate. I don’t think he will drain many votes from Jim Banks, a real conservative veteran, whom I support strongly.

    • “Perpetual candidate” is used only as an insulting dismissal of debate – it’s never applied to incumbents who get reelected to D.C. until they die of swamp rot.

      • How many times have you ran for office and how many different offices have you ran for? “Perpetual candidate” is a descriptive term, take it as you wish. I have voted for Libertarians multiple times, including you, and most notably in the 2008 presidential election.
        Rest assured it probably won’t happen again.

        • Thank you for your past vote. But if voting for odds and “winners” is what you want, then you already have what you want in government, and you should be delighted!
          Have a great day!

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