Evansville’s Grave Injustice
I will never forget the day I visited Oak Hill Cemetery. As I crossed through the famed entrance gates to the facility, I was there for one reason only- to pay tribute to the mayor whose goals, visions, and ideas I seek to replicate with my own career. Before I arrived at Hank’s burial marker, I was already engulfed with feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, devastation, and depression due to the fact that I didn’t have a victory for Roberts Stadium in tow with me to deliver to Mayor Roberts.
No matter what part of Oak Hill Cemetery you visit, you will surely pass through many plots that are reminiscent of ruins from an old civilization. You will see headstones crushed, leaning, tilting, laying upside down, sitting on top of tree branches, and completely out of line from the rows they were originally intended to be in. Even worse is the fact that this isn’t just one, two, or three grave sites that have these problems. Rather, we are talking about many of hundreds grave markers that are in disrepair.
After viewing the dilapidated condition at Oak Hill Cemetery, I then took a trip to Evansville’s other public cemetery- Locust Hill Cemetery. As I expected, Locust Hill was a carbon copy of Oak Hill. Truth be told, the only areas in these cemeteries that are in acceptable condition are the areas being taken care of by our local veterans organizations. The rest of the areas in both of these cemeteries should be acceptable to no one.
As someone who has a great amount of respect for the veterans, the icons, and the residents of Evansville’s great past, I refuse to allow these cemeteries to remain like this, and I would hope the city of Evansville would refuse to allow this condition to get any worse than what it currently is. What kind of message do our cemeteries convey to our guests, visitors, and outsiders about the way Evansville views its deceased?
In order to get these cemeteries turned around, I have made the decision to do everything in my power to get the word out about the condition of our public cemeteries. First of all, I have created the blog- http://agraveinjustice.blogspot.com/ – so that residents can view pictures of what the cemeteries look like as well as receive updates on them 24/7 from the comfort of their own home. Secondly, I will be asking local lawmakers for their support in making sure these problems don’t continue to unattended to. I will be asking local residents to voice their concerns about these two cemeteries. I ask that any and all residents who are embarrassed by these horrendous conditions will write into our local media as well as our local leaders.
Yes, we have a tall task ahead of us in making sure that all of the deceased have a proper headstone surrounded by a lot that is maintained. But we can, and we will, accomplish this goal if our city is willing to take pride in both its past and present cemetery grave sites.
Finally, want to stress that the horrible condition that our two city cemeteries are in was not caused by our new Mayor or his staff but the blame for this problem is on the backs of past elected officials.
This is so sad and another disgrace for Evansville.
I am from Evansville and I always loved Oak Hill Cemetery. It was one beautiful sight with the gates, brick wall and all. How can the city not take care of it. Like you say, it is a disgrsce. I wish I could tell you what officials to contact but I can’t. It seems to me that you should be able to find someone who cares.
Jordan you should next tour the local parks and write about the state of these area too!!!! I respect what you trying to accomplish. Good Luck!!!!!
Yes what has taken place at Oak Hill Cemetery is tragic and we all share in the blame for letting it take place.
Former mayors Benjamin Bosse and William H. Dress are buried at the Lutheran Cemetery on St.Joseph Ave. just north of Mesker Park Drive. That cemetery is one of the best kept cemeteries in the region.
What a wonderful thing it would be if somehow the Lutheran Cemetery could acquire the currently available property just south of it and expand the cemetery for the next generations. There are people in this community who could make that happen, and it would be a very noble thing to do. Rewarding those who do the right thing pays many dividends.
As we watch the obscene amounts of money pour into this fall’s election, including money spent on local ballot initiatives, there will be those of us who look at Oak Hill Cemetery and hang our heads in shame.
Is it true that it might be proactive, for those who find the disgraceful condition at the city cemeteries appalling, to band together and “adopt-a-plot?” That if enough people adopt enough sections of cemetery, it might demonstrate a greater degree of concern than to simply publish well meaning editorials? That a small crew of volunteers might show the city how quickly a sad situation can be turned around into an appropriate show of due respect?
Great idea….while that would get the job done and leave Mr Cooke and crew more time for Little Debbie snacks I’d have to wonder just what we are paying them to do? mow grass? open and close the gates…keep ponds full so fish don’t die? (fresh water fish don’t really do will living in treated drinking water)….I see no problem with the community picking up the slack, but doing their work for them….naw.
I’d rather see a audit of the city owned centenaries, a count of employees and a list of the assigned tasks for said employees…you know like just what duties are they performing for their pay, kind of a performance evaluation if you will….before the public gets involved lets make sure we are getting our tax dollars worth from the current employees being paid to perform the services…..if they need extra help there are many housed at VCC that would like the green space and fresh air in exchange for daily labor.
You might also want to add an audit of the perpetual care funds for the last 50 years.
When I complained about the cemetaries not being cllosed at night to discourage drug activity and vandalism, Mr Cooke has told me it’s not his job to come back to the cemetaries after his working hours to close the gates. I thought he was on salary not an hourly employee. If he had not shot Rick Davis in the back and didn’t have the protection of Missy Mosby, he wouldn’t be the second ward leader nor the cemetary superintendant. I call for Jack McNeeley to take care of the former and Mayor Winnecke to take care of the latter. It would be a step towards good government in Evansville.
Really?….so who’s responsibility is it? last man/visitor out please lock the gates? why does it not surprise me to see Mosby’s name associated with this mess..oh I know it’s not in her ward that she works so hard for….give me a break!
I can’t begin to count the number of city employees that over the last 20 years that have told me they were transferring to the cemeteries because they could sit on their azz and get paid….I think we can easily see what has been going on for years and it’s time for the employees to start doing their jobs or be removed starting with Mr Cooke.
My wife and I walk through there at night often and there is never anyone in there but a police car now and then. They do keep an eye on it at night. The main problem is the people that mow the lawn. They are Least bumping headstones out of place and even knowing over some rather large stones. They should be paying for the damage they are causing. It really makes me mad. They need to slow down and respect these stones.
I must agree.
Excellent and insightful report by Jordon Baer.
Let’s join Jordon and by heeding his call to action.
The citizens of this community should be greatful for him calling our attention to this shameful situation at the Evansville City cemeteries.
wow, what a shameful mess. Looks like our past elected officials really were bad steward of the public trust.
All Evansville city councilman that have been in office for the last 4 to 8 years should be run out of town for letting this mess happen at our city owned cemeteries.
Great article Jordon.
Hope our elected officials have read this article and will take heed to correct the problems at our cemeteries.
Oh, this is the kind of thing that hallens when you let the past Mayor re-direct money from cemeteries budget to build Ford Center.
Give them hell Jordon.
Sign me up to help clean up this mess.
I have many family members buried at Oak Hill and I’m totaly shocked to see what a mess we have there.
The person in charge should be fired for letting this cemetery get in this kind of shape.
Where does the local “Tea Party” people stand on this issue. Where does the Evansville Mayor and the Evansville city council stand on this on this issue?
I got it, they want to run and hide and hope that this issue shall go away.
Thanks Jordon for bring this grave issue to our attention.
I’m all for attacking the failures of government as much as the next guy, but let’s look at this practically for a moment…
The photograph I see has fresh cut grass and a couple less than perfect markers in the foreground, both of which look like they are from the latter part of the 19th Century.
Now, in all fairness, eventually those markers, being made of marble or quartz, will erode into nothing. This is a fact, a certainty. Is the City of Evansville to replace eroded markers? Are they to try and ascertain what the original epitaphs were and reproduce them on a new marker? How far do we take this concept? And lastly, how much would such an undertaking cost?
I agree with the metaphor the CCO Editor made about clean cemeteries being like the brushed teeth of a town, but every City as old as Evansville is going to have some ruins. The fact that we can even have a debate about ruined headstones is a testament to just how YOUNG our Country still is in the scheme of things. Hell, look at some of the cemeteries of Europe! Look at some of the ruined castles and monasteries there!
Historic preservation is great. Upkeeping cemeteries is great. But we are human beings, not machines. Our bodies turn to dust, and so will our headstones. As much as we the living might not like that idea, it’s only a matter of time.
It is fairly easy to tell a marker that has eroded through age and weather from one that has been damaged by mowing equipment, vandalism, or damaged by falling trees or tree limbs. All of the latter are preventable.
Sure, but one of the main complaints – the issue of ground subsidence – IS a result of natural erosion.
The only valid complaint I can see here is the one against vandalism, which is not 100% preventable in any case. Locking gates at night might help, but the walls I’ve seen could be scaled by any teenager nonetheless, so locking gates is still no guarantee of prevention.
No one here gets out alive. A good book about Jim Morrison , I recommend it to all Doors fans
I can see why your not convinced that the city owned cemeteries looking at the pictures Jordon posted on his blog site. You need to continue to roll down this site and you shall be amazed in what you see.
In fact, I just returned from Oak Hill to see if Jordon article was correct about the state of this cemetery. Bottom line, he was right on target. Please some time this weekend an visit both city owned cemeteries and I’m convinced that you will also be hirhly disappointed in what you see.
That may be true.
I’ll drive through if I’m out that way. I’m from a small town originally, so I’ve just always come from the school of “leave it better than you found it”, and I’m kinda used to everyone doing that without having to be told.
Maybe this sort of thing will inspire citizens to get involved in making their neighborhoods a little better.
Brad I also enjoy reading your comments on the CCO.
Thanks for taking time to personally viit Oak Hill later this week end.
Look forward to reading what you really saw on your visit.
Have a nice week end.
I have several family members buried in the local cemetaries too. If you read the contract that EVERY family signs to have their dead buried, you will find that they are ultimately responsible for the headstone, the footer, and the condition of the grave site. I am not trying to defend the Cemetary workers or Mr. Cooke, I am simply trying to point out that this is the way that most cemetaries are handled.
In some towns, they have volunteer groups that will reseat the headstones into a mud of cement. Cement is fairly cheap and I bet if someone were to call down and actually talk to Mr. Cooke, he might have some ideas on the problem….but we don’t do that in Evansville do we? We are all arm-chair quarterbacks on seemingly every issue that surfaces. We all think we are right and have the best ideas. I am just as guilty as the rest of you.
I hope someday my burial plot has someone like Jordan looking out for it. Thanks Jordan!
Are you saying that when the cemetery digs and backfills the grave, and initially sets the headstone foundation, that the family of the deceased then is responsible for maintaining and repairing the headstone foundation even if it subsides on account of faulty excavation and backfill by the cemetery? Come on, get real. If the fill was compacted properly, those stones wouldn’t be sinking into the ground like they are.
Who said anything about faulty excavation and backfilling?
Famed cemetery? Its not Arlington or Forest Lawn in Hollywood folks. The cemetery is in need of more upkeep! Jordan is absolutely right! Perhaps the $100,000 plus we spent mothballing Roberts while slowly marching to the stadiums necessary destruction could have been better spent at Oak Hill cemetery? Look at most municipal cemeteries elsewhere (Louisville being a fine example) and you will see similar siutations. Deplorable ? Yes. I for one would rather spend our limited tax dollars on the living not the dead. Though, this being an election year I am sure plenty of people will be at Oak Hill registering voters. Maybe they can clean up the mess!
There’s a lot to unwrap there.
“Jordan is absolutely right!”
Dang Alex, if I frame that will sign it?
“Perhaps the $100,000 plus we spent mothballing Roberts while slowly marching to the stadiums necessary destruction could have been better spent at Oak Hill cemetery?”
No, the $6-$8 mil wasted on a dog park and skate park, not to mention demolishing Roberts Stadium could have been spent at Oak Hill since the renovation of Roberts was 1/2 the price and would have paid for iteself.
“Look at most municipal cemeteries elsewhere (Louisville being a fine example)”
Let’s talk about Louisville, the city that just happens to have an arena that was built the same year as Roberts and has had its floor lowered like Roberts and has been replaced by a downtown arena next to a convention center like Roberts. Yet, Freedom Hall is still going strong. Don’t you think that 2,000 person Snoop Dog concert that Connie is wanting could have been held at Roberts while the Ford Center pursued something more profitable at the same time?
“I for one would rather spend our limited tax dollars on the living not the dead”
There will be no living here if we continue to trash our cemeteries and parks. We already have a dog park, a lake, and a skate park(s), there’s no reason to drop 6-8 mil on more just because the handful of ppl who would visit them are “living.”
Lastly, I hope to see you out at one of these cemeteries Alex helping us get them turned back around, or at least lobbying and standing behind city council members that commit to these cemeteries.
It is our local “Arlington”:
Ten years, no possibility of parole, for intentionally damaging or defacing cemetery property would go a long way towards keeping our cemeteries in good condition.
Tell your State legislator that you are serious about stopping damage to our cemeteries.
I like that Jordan Baer kid. He’s got guts. And he cares about this community much more than most of our elected leaders. Go Get Them Jordan!
The heavyset guy at Oak Hill Cemetery. What’s his name??? HE’S THE PROBLEM! He comes to work wearing ripped jeans and also wears NFL jerseys at work. Plays computer games during football season on his work computer and ignores cemetery visitors when they come in the door. Totally unprofessional and gives you the impression that he’s a slob and would do a poor job at maintaining the cemetery. And that impression is exactly what we’re getting at Oak Hill Cemetery.
The fat boys’s name is “The Cookie Monster”. He is appointment like many others was nothing but patronage on Winnecke’s part. There are lots of Weinzappel cronies still on the city payroll as pay back for democrat support in the mayoral election.
I agree with you about the guy that is presently in charge of Oak Hill isn’t professional.
Eric Williams or Rick Davis for Mayor!
Can you really wait 3 or 4 years for somebody to get up off their fat butt and fix the problem? Furthermore if you’re looking for a more professional approach, there’s a huge professional gap between the two people you call out as future mayor candidates.
I drove through there yesterday about 7:00 p.m. Disgraceful! Maybe families are resposible for some upkeep of the grave markers, but when the marker foundations are sinking into the graves, and I mean some of them have subsided to the point that the entire marker is halfway into the ground. That is a cemetery maintenance issue, not the family’s respoinsibility. There’s more issues that you can only get the impact from a personal drive through viewing. Disgraceful doesn’t really describe it. Somebody needs to get off their fat ass and go to work!
I agree, that someone last name is Cooke.
In fact, the Mayor needs to get of his lazy fat a– soon as possible!
Oak Hill is shameful.
The Mayor and his over paid Chief of Staff both need to get off their fat as… and drive out to both city owned Cemerties and see what a shameful mess they are in.
Maybe the Mayor could take his “Chicken Fat” video buddies with him to help put grave makers back on their foundations.
CCO readers please take time and visit both city grave yards.
I did.
Just got back from Oak Hill and I’m stunned.
What a shameful mess.
The guy who is in charge of Oak Hill should be fired.
When is the Mayor going to make a public statement on this situation?
Forgot, his style is run and hide!
Eric Williams for Mayor!
Is It True the the city has only $10,000 left in escrow fund to repair broken grave stones?
Is It True I wonder what happened to the other many thousands of dollars that should be in this account. Maybe it was transfered to the new downtown arena construction account?
Oh, forgot to post—Eric Williams for Mayor.
I don’t believe that would be a step in the right direction. I’m sure The Machine would want him over Rick Davis, but what The Machine wants and what is best for Evansville is most definitely two different things. I hope that the voters right the wrong that they committed this past November. Also get rid of Missy, Connie and J. Weaver.
I believe Rick should run as an independant, the machine has lost it’s creditability with their actions last year. I’m sorry it happened but the central commitee should all be fired. He won the primary, it wasn’t their call, the voters voice was ignored. He has to raise all his money himself anyway. Williams is starting to act like a puppet of the cronies.
You could not be more correct. The voters selected their candidate in a fair primary process and the democrat central committee told the voters to kiss it.
Not only was it immoral, in my humble view it was illegal and every democrat who had personal involvement in that process should be held up to public exposure and ridicule.
I did not hear much out of our Sheriff when the democrat central committee was AH deep in voter nullification immediately after the primary vote.
He had the chance and the platform from which to address the travesty that was going on at the time and his silence gave us insight into his character. Voter nullification of the sort that went on is a crime in my book. Evidently Eric Williams does not feel the same way.
Again-I can’t say it enough-the City County Observer has yet again illuminated more dirty deeds. This news media has consistently, dedicatedly reported to the people of Evansville and transformed how we look at what has been multi-generational nepotism.
We all knew it was there, but the extent of corruption? It makes you wonder how far it has gone in the decades past, that its’ participants are so innured to helping themselves to our money, to further their own agendas-as though it’s a birthright.
Anyone rippling their pond is viciously set back in their place.
MARK OWEN gave an interview as the Democratic Committee chairman to a local TV station the other day-as if he wasn’t discharged from that position in DISGRACE (and thanks loads Dan Parker, for waiting until the election was over, appropriate puppet in place, the local party’s reputation in shambles-to finally act on violations SO BLATANT, it’s flabbergasting)
Also, you have to wonder about a news media (C@P included) who would conduct an interview with Owen, each knowing full well he was lying about his position.
So thank you City County Observer-you’re keeping it real.
Some very biased political statements are being thrown out in the guise of concern for the city cemeteries. Most of the “shameful conditions” mentioned were not recent happenings… many have taken 50 or more years to exist. Many old markers were placed without foundations and sink as they do in any cemetery. Tree limbs falling are not the result of negligence by cemetery personnel. I happen to think Oak Hill and Locust Hill Cemeteries are currently being maintained very well, especially considering the cemetery’s budget. They are both very old cemeteries! I am a family historian researching and visiting cemeteries all across Indiana and Kentucky during the last 50 years and I have seen some seriously neglected cemeteries! Evansville city cemeteries are being maintained very well and I am in these cemeteries several times a week observing how well the grass is kept mowed, that it is free of litter & debris and very importantly that the records are being very well maintained by the staff. It seems that many comments here are aimed at political persecution of the Superintendent for political reasons only! There is no doubt that these old, very large cemeteries could use more employees, more money, less vandalism, etc.; however, under the circumstances of anti-taxation to pay for such things, I honestly am very proud of our city cemeteries. In my dealings with the current Superintendent, he cares a lot about these cemeteries… to say otherwise is just trying to get him removed for reasons outside of cemetery work.
Oh, yes… let me just say that I care very much about Oak Hill & Locust Hill Cemeteries as I do cemeteries everywhere. I am a “Cemetery Geek” that uses the handle of “Indiana Bones” to give presentations about cemeteries, preservation and even cemetery safety. I publish a genealogical blog over the last 4 years with Oak Hill as my favorite cemetery. If I see something that needs attention in the cemetery, I politely let the Superintendent & office staff know about it – I do not run to the news media or make cheap shots against the employees! I do follow-up to make sure the problem was corrected. About 25 years ago, Oak Hill Cemetery was in poor shape as far as maintenance was concerned, but the city took action and it was cleaned-up! And there continues to be improvements made. The City Cemetery online database is one of the best for historical & genealogical research… it is an exceptional resource for the families of those buried in these two cemeteries. Instead of looking for what is wrong, look for what you can do to help! That is, of course, if you really care about the cemeteries!!!
Great statement John West! You hit the nail on the head. Many of the commenters are pushing the political buddy system parody instead of accepting the truth that our city cemeteries are getting old and showing definite signs of wear. Do people really expect a 100 year old headstone to not sink a bit? To not get hit by a tree limb? To be replaced by the City for FREE? AND to keep the lawn mowed as well as they do?
Let’s raise the cost of burying our dead 2 fold just to please the complainers here. Yeah Right!
I tend to think there is a lot of truth in this.
See my other comment for elaboration, but cemeteries, especially old ones, ALWAYS have the sorts of problems described by visitors.
I can really only conclude that perhaps a few of the people raising stink just haven’t been in many old cemeteries to understand reality.
Brad, I think your point about just looking at Evansville’s 2 oldest and largest cemeteries and declaring that there is an injustice present is indictive of a lack of knowledge of what happens in these older cemeteries. Oak Hill is a beautiful cemetery that has lots of trees. Unfortunately, it gets hit by vandals on a regular basis and locking the gates has never prevented vandalism in the past. The cemetery has added some lights in recent years that might help, along with police & sheriff patrolling the cemetery at night (gates can not be locked if you want it patrolled!). Those beautiful trees seem to fall over or drop big limbs on markers… which we can all agree is a shame, but it is not anyone’s fault. Nature causes erosion of soil that allows markers to topple and over time erosion and acid rain wear down stones. Of the hundreds of cemeteries I have visited, Oak Hill is still my favorite with St. Joseph Cemetery (Evansville) and Maple Hill Cemetery in New Harmony closely behind. Alexander Memorial Cemetery is where my parents are buried and I own lots for my wife & I.
No, you completely misunderstood me. I was AGREEING with you.
Read my comment higher up the page. I kinda made your point before you did.
LOL! I know we agree!!! 🙂 And, I guess my first sentence paraphrasing what you said might sound like I thought you were saying something else… sorry about that. However, this gives me an opportunity to address some of the personal hits that some posters have made about the current Superintendent… you know the “Little Debbies” and his fat behind, etc. Chris Cooke is a football player for the Bearcats… plays center. Yes, he is big, very big! Lazy,no! Fat,no! They call him the “Cookie Monster” for his last name “Cooke” and for his size. The opposing team knows he will come at them like a bulldozer!!! I suggest not making him angry by cheap insults.
Haha… Sorry John. That’s funny. 😀
This article was a Blaighten Attempt at ripping apart the Superintendant of Oakhill Cemetary and his Staff! I have been on this Property many many times over the past few years and I always find it in Great Condition. Drive up to Pike County to my Families Cemetary (Barrett Cemetary) and have a look PEOPLE! Yep, its mowed but has NO Landscaping and the headders are AGED and some are Steaked and Stained and others, well they are Crumbling! It is a Fact of Life that Headstones over time fall apart due to our Atmosphere. Leave Mr Cooke alone he does a Great Job and is Far from Lazy.
It sickens me at how you can sit behind your Computer Screens and not say who you are and BLAST someone whom you know nothing about. Did you LOOK at the picture published, the lawn was just mowed and the markers werent falling down! Ya all need to look in the Mirror!
A Blaighten attempt, is that what it is? Since Cooke was never mentioned in the article I would say you’re wrong. Of course the grass is mowed, it’s dead. Have you been out in these temperatures this summer?
Look at all of the pictures of both OH and Locust. How can you say either of those are well kept? You need to quit drinking the Reicken Kool-Aid down by the Ohio.
This isn’t about Mr. Cooke, it’s about good public policy. The city grave yards are not in good shape period.
City needs to put more money in the budget so Mr. Cooke and his associates can attack the problems.
Oh, the people that I talk with say that Mr. Cooke is a very nice person.
I agree that the bloggers should attack the problems at Oak Hill and not Mr. Cooke. Enough said!
One other thing. Don’t expect the Courier and Press to report anything on this article or on any of the efforts to clean up these cemeteries. That might make the mayor and the city look bad. Especially since the mayor still hasn’t made a public statement about these cemeteries even though this article has been out for quite awhile now. You would think that if those 10 employees were good enough to get a raise as big as Winnecke is giving them they would at least be good enough to tell him to jump on the OH and Locust bandwagon.
When I was of tender years, I was fascinated with stolling through cemeteries, attracted to the names on the stones, their birth dates, and only wondered what struggles they encountered, what life challenges layed before them, what social standards were expected of them, when chivalty ruled the day, and ladies were revered, no lawyer required, just a man’s word. Unfortunately, those momentos lay face down, disregarded, faceless, as though they never existed. Those that came before us should be honored by uprighting the only thing marking their once existence. Many of those that lay in our City cemeteries obviously do not have families surviving or live in Evansville, or just not interested in preserving their relatives headstones. We, as a community must respect those who came before us, So, let’s get to work!
Leave your name and phone number here, or contact Jordan Baer and you guys document your progress.
Saying “let’s get to work” and actually doing some is two different things.
Tell you what… Let me know a day and time you guys want to do some work on a few headstones and I’ll find a babysitter and come help.
As you can see from a quick look at the Indiana Pioneer Cemetery Project
There is more to doing a successful restoration than meets the eye. Oak Hill Cemetery should have people on the payroll who are trained in the methods of restoring these fragile monuments and who are familiar with available products and techniques.
The very first thing they need to do is create a plan of restoration, and then stick to it.
Seeking volunteer help when it can be used just makes sense when it comes to keeping the cost down. Also some manufactures or product wholesalers might wish to donate materials. The various adhesives used in restoring a broken marker can be expensive due to the amount of adhesive needed.
This is a project that everyone can get behind, and since Oak Hill is on the National Register of Historic Places maybe some grant money is available.
Good idea about seeking grants. This could be pursued at both the state and national level. They do take time however.
You are correct Press on your points. There are professional cemetery restorers and they certainly could be consulted or perhaps hired to produce a plan and/or oversee the restoration while city employees and volunteers do the work. I know from having rehabilitated an 1858 greek revival home and gone through the state and national register applications and processes that the type of mortar mix is very important. It certainly was with the repair of our brick foundation.
Things are never as simple or as straight-forward as they seem going in. And the last thing that we want to do is a poor job and make a bigger mess of this beautiful cemetery.
2 days ago, I was at Oak Hill Cemetery looking for Grand Army of the Republic stones. There was a crew weed-eating the section below Hillside drive and I was in the section across the road with my car parked on that road. The section I was in had been freshly mowed. Lo and behold there was a flat (used to be upright) stone pushed over and chipped with the dirt still fresh where it forced the stone out of the ground.
While I was still looking the mowing crew took a break and one of the men was talking quite loudly and approximately every 5th word was mother f— and f— this and f— that.
NO, I did not report it to Chris.
Should have, but I don’t believe it would have mattered.
While I was at Locust Hill with several people including Chris Cooke a few months ago, it was pointed out that a mower had hit a veteran’s stone. He said it wasn’t the mower, vandals got the blame for that also; even though the stone had rubber on it from the tires.
I have helped numerous people look for their family member’s graves at Locust Hill Cemetery, because the lady in the office is telling them that they don’t know where they are located, there was a fire etc. If there was a fire that destroyed records prove it. There was a fire, but the records were in the safe.
I did bring a particular incident to Chris’ attention. I drove to the cemetery to show 2 ladies a baby grave when she told them “Can’t Help Ya”. When I ask Chris if he could show me the location, he pointed to the area and that was correct. Now tell me why she couldn’t and she’s been there years longer than he has???? Isn’t that here job?
Another time, 4 people were wandering a section, I told them I didn’t work for the cemetery, that I may be able to help them. They told me the lady at the office said she could help them. They showed me the same paper they show her and I took them to the grave. Again, why is she not helping them??? This is one of many and I don’t mind helping, but I do mind it when a person that is overpaid (yes overpaid)because she is not doing what she is being paid BY THE TAXPAYERS to do.
[…] https://city-countyobserver.com/2012/07/16/evansvilles-grave-injustice-by-jordan-baer/ […]
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