Home Community News Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library to be Recognized by Statewide Library Association for...

Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library to be Recognized by Statewide Library Association for Outstanding Library Services, Programming and Collaboration


For seven straight years, the Library Journal’s star-ranking has

included the Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library in its recognition of exemplary libraries. Library administration is committed to excellence and staff development, always seeking ways to improve processes and services. The range of services, outstanding programming and commitment to community collaborations will be recognized on November 17 at the Indiana Library Federation’s awards banquet during annual conference.

An example of excellent programming is “The Dirty Life,” where local agribusiness, farmers, music, gardening how-to’s, sustainable living and other concepts were shared with more than 1,000 attendees. Additional programming includes robotics classes which teach students STEM skills necessary for manufacturing, automation and other fields. EVPL received a grant for its 3D printing lab, and grants for music programs. There are preservation programs, at-risk teen programming, book clubs and early literacy

programs, along with a film series, summer reading, and arts/crafts programming. All told almost 58,000 people attended 2,411programs at EVPL.

Numerous nomination letters cited the library’s service, collection, programming and collaborations. “One Book One Community/Evansville Remembers” (developed in 2001) seeks to develop a community conversation built around a shared experience. Each year a book is selected with the final program welcoming the author to discuss his or her work. This program encourages an exchange of ideas, promotes literacy, stimulates critical thinking and sparks conversation.  The library staff worked with nearly a dozen different cultural and educational organizations offering some 20 events and programs to provide a multi-faceted focus on the Holocaust and World War II.

“The awards committee noted that Indiana is fortunate to have EVPL serving as a role model to other libraries,”  said Susan Akers, executive director. “They lead by example.”

For more information about the ILF, visit www.ilfonline.org


  1. Thanks for covering this, Howie. We need all the help we can get right now. A coulpe of small quibbles with the story:Don’t count Hostettler out. Mark my words, he’ll end up the Republican nominee. Everyone keeps saying Coats, but Coats candidacy is considered a joke here by even the Republicans. He’s not lived in Indiana since he quit the Senate and there’s already video of him trashing on Indiana and saying he’d rather live in North Carolina. It’ll end up Hostettler.As well, Hostettler had a BETTER voting record with HRC than Ellsworth does. Hostettler didn’t support the Federal Marriage Amendment. In fact, voted against it as an intrusion into people’s private lives. He’s got a HUGE libertarian streak and that’s what got his vote. Ellsworth used it against him in the campaign since the Big E, of course, supports “traditional values and families.”

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