Evansville to Participate in the Million Father March 2013


nick herman


City of Evansville
City of Evansville

On August 14, 2013, Evansville will be one of more than 800 cities across the country to participate in the Million Father March 2013, a project to encourage fathers to take their children to school on the first day of classes. The event is sponsored by the Black Star Project and Evansville Commission on the Social Status of African-American males.

The project will involve an estimated 1.1 million men. Organizers of the Million Father March believe that by fathers taking their children to school, they will provide an escort of safety, support, and encouragement to their child that will translate into better grades, higher scores, and a greater appreciation for education.

“I see this as a first step for many fathers and father figures to be brought into the fold as it relates to advancing a community-based approached to improving educational outcomes for our children,” said David Wagner, chairman of the Evansville Commission on the Social Status of African-American Males.

Phillip Jackson, executive director of The Black Star Project, U.S.A., said, “Fathers’ involvement in education is one of the best ways to improve the academic performances of children. Gang recruitment, bullying and random violence goes way down on any day that a group of men are at a school.”

Local businesses are being asked to give fathers two hours off on August 14, with pay, to take their children to school. If you have any questions or would like more information on the Million Father March 2013, please email hrc@evansvillegov.org or call (812) 436-4927.