Home Breaking News Evansville Police Departmemt Citizen’s Academy Announcement

Evansville Police Departmemt Citizen’s Academy Announcement


The Evansville Police Department would like to invite the citizens of our community to attend our 10-week Citizen’s Academy fall session.

The EPD Citizen’s Academy provides the community with the opportunity to see firsthand how the various units of the police department operate. Our goal is to help create a better understanding of the department and provide improved communications between the citizens of Evansville and the members of the EPD who serve.

The academy is free of charge and will be held each Tuesday evening Beginning September 6th and continuing through November 15th from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm at the Evansville Police Department, located at 15 NW Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.

Please go to facebook.com/EvansvillePoliceDept to see the Citizen’s Academy flyer and registration form and for further information.