Evansville Mayor Winnecke Tapped for Regional, State Leadership Roles


January 9, 2013 Contact: Ella Johnson-Watson
For Immediate Release
Evansville Mayor Winnecke Tapped for Regional, State Leadership Roles

(EVANSVILLE, IN) – Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke has been selected to serve in leadership positions at the regional and state level. Mayor Winnecke was elected President of the Southern Indiana Mayors Roundtable for 2013, and he has been named chair of the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns (IACT) Public Safety Committee.

As president of the Southern Indiana Mayors Roundtable, Mayor Winnecke will lead the discussion during meetings and help set the legislative agenda on issues presented to the Indiana General Assembly. The Roundtable meets monthly and is comprised of approximately 34 mayors.
“I think it is vitally important to have someone of Mayor Winnecke’s stature, who serves the largest city in Southern Indiana, to act as our president,” said former Tell City Mayor Bill Goffinet. “He will work with other mayors in our region and carry their message to lawmakers in Indianapolis.”

The Southern Indiana Mayors Roundtable will hold its first meeting of 2013 at Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center on Jan. 24.

Carmel, Ind., Clerk-Treasurer Diana Cordray, the incoming President of the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns Board of Directors, said IACT is pleased Mayor Winnecke agreed to accept a broader leadership role with the association.

“The Public Safety Committee is one of IACT’s most important public policy committees,” Cordray said. “I welcome Mayor Winnecke and look forward to his commitment to public safety.” She said the Mayor will work closely with the 17-member committee to monitor issues involving public safety throughout the state and in the new legislative session.


  1. He better stay home and worry about the mess he making here in Evansville for us taxpayers.

    I hope the area leaders don’t listen to him concerning “good public policy”.

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