Home Breaking News Evansville Enters Contract to Create City Strategic Plan

Evansville Enters Contract to Create City Strategic Plan


The City of Evansville has entered into a contract with Crowe LLP, a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm, to create a strategic plan for city government.

The process of creating the plan, which is expected to take approximately five months, will happen in two phases. The first, which has already begun, is for Crowe to engage with city leaders and the various city departments to create an organizational assessment. That information then will be used to create the city’s strategic plan, which is expected to be released to the public before the end of the 2024.

“We’re excited to work with Crowe LLP to assess our current city operations, then to use that information to create a strategic plan that helps us continue to move Evansville forward,” said Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry. “That means creating a plan that helps refine our priorities as a city administration, but also a plan that helps us find efficiencies in how we operate as a city government, so that we can both strengthen the services we offer to the people to Evansville, and so we can ensure that those services are easier for residents to access.”

The organizational assessment phase, according to representatives of Crowe LLP, will establish a baseline of where Evansville is today; from there, the final strategic plan will craft a vision for where the city is heading and how to get there.

“We look forward to engaging with the City of Evansville to conduct an organizational assessment that will help develop a strategic plan tailored to the city’s needs and aspirations,” said Susannah Heitger, managing principal of the public sector services group at Crowe. “Our goal is to support operational efficiency to improve the delivery of constituent services, while staying true to the mission and values of Evansville.”

The full plan will be made available to the media and the public upon completion.

Media with inquiries about the strategic planning process may contact Joe Atkinson, Communications Director for the Office of Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry, at 812-435-0543 orjatkinson@evansville.in.gov.