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Evansville Country Club


Evansville Country Club

by Pat Sides

When the Evansville Country Club was organized by 143 members in 1900, the rural area had already witnessed much history. Stringtown Road was part of a winding route that extended from the Ohio River to Princeton and other settlements farther north. On the property where the club now stands stood a two-story tavern dating back to at least the Civil War, affording a rare rest stop along the busy trail.

The site was scenic, sitting on seventy acres sprawled across a hill north of Pigeon Creek and south of Buena Vista Road. Aiming to boost membership further, the club’s board of governors set out immediately to improve the grounds, which included a golf course and swimming pool. Streetcars soon facilitated access to the remote property, since it lay outside of the city limits.

This photo appears to have been taken after the clubhouse underwent major renovations in the early 1920s.