Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau Continues to Move Forward: Continue to Push Baseball Field


A Report on the December Monthly Meeting

By Don Counts

The Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau is a non-profit agency that works on projects they believe will benefit Evansville, as well as to help support other non-profit agencies in the area.
The bureau voted to help support the Soccer Clubs in the amount of $5,000.00. The City has an investment of 1.5 to 1.6 Million for Soccer.

The Tennis group didn’t have anything else to report and again thanked the bureau for their support.
Joe Vezzoso recognized and acknowledged Marsha Abell, welcoming her back into the political area as a new County Commissioner.

New business concerned Visa Card with points on it and if they should be donated to other non-profit organizations. Joe Vezzoso stated that the Bureau is a non-profit and that he felt the money should be used for the Bureau’s travel and other expenses. The members agreed.
Joe Vezzoso was asked about other possible baseball field development in Evansville and/or Vanderburgh County. He said that they are looking at several areas, but can’t say where they are at this time. He said some of the money spent could be salvaged once another site is selected concerning design and other costs previously spent. He said nothing will be done until after the first of the year.

Dave Dunn said they have spent about $306,000 on the Roberts Stadium Baseball Field complex. This includes the latest bills that they have received. He estimates there could be about $50,000.00 plus or minus in outstanding bills. He too agreed that some of the money will be saved at a new site because the basic design would not change and may not have to do an environmental study at another site, like they did at Roberts. Dunn said they are presently looking at four areas, but cannot release the locations, because they are privately held and negotiations have not begun. The locations will need to be 75 acres or more. Dunn said that he felt that the bureau had overcome all the objections of the neighbors to have the complex at the Roberts Stadium area.

The City-County Observer will continue to follow the developments of this story.


  1. Please follow these developments carefully. Trust level in the CVB and Mr. Dunn is very low. Dunn is the guy who said in meeting after meeting that there was no other site in Evansville to build these ball fields. Now magically there are four new sites under consideration.

  2. At least four members of the board of this outfit need to be replaced.

    I wonder if Dunn will offer shuttle service to all the patrons or will they be expected to drive their cars from his hotels to the ball games?

    It is pretty bad when a member of the board of such an organization literally hates Evansville. Truth is, the aggrieved party has never really had anything to do with old Evansville — the people who grew up here. Many of them would like to reclaim city and county government to their way of thinking, which is a damned sight more frugal than this pack of hyennas we have calling the shots in this place.

    And Weinzapfel contemplates running for Governor — on what? What are his accomplishments? Rendering a $40 million convention center functionally obsolete for at least two years because there is no suitable hotel in the downtown area to accomodate people who would attend a convention!

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