Evansville City Council to Discuss City Officials Salaries

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Evansville City Council to Discuss City Officials Salaries

Evansville City Council will be meeting next Monday to consider the First Reading of an ordinance to fix salaries for city heads.

The salaries for every appointed officer, employee, deputy, assistant, departmental and institutional head of the city of Evansville and Evansville-Vanderburgh County Levee Authority for 2019 will be discussed.

The ordinance states that the Evansville Mayor salary will remain the same from 2018.

Along with the Mayor’s salary, the board members of the Police Merit and Fire Merit will be paid the same amount as last year. Every other city office employee will see a 2% increase from 2018.

Other city office officials salaries over 100K for 2019 include Chief Information Officer (CIO) for Computer Services Local Income Tax, Director of Utility for Water Administration, Deputy Director Engineering Services for Water Planning, Police Chief.

