Evansville City Council Rejects Mayor’s Request for $175,000 Website

A closeup of the new 100 dollar bill picturing Benjamin Franklin. It's all about the Benjamins.

In a Dodge-like move, the Evansville City Council voted 5-4 to reject Mayor Stephanie Terry’s request for a $175,000 funds transfer to build a new city website.

The request had its first reading in January and was scheduled for a vote on February 10, but when the administration heard that there was some resistance to the measure, they had the appropriation removed from the agenda. The vote on the measure was rescheduled for last night (11/24), where it hit a wall of resistance.

Missy Mosby, the 2nd Ward City Councilor, took to social media over the weekend to draw public attention to the plan. “I oppose spending these funds on wants when so many people have pressing needs,” Mosby said. I believe we need to prioritize needs over wants and be responsible with our resources.”

Where did the money come from?

The administration wanted money for the website to come from an interest account that has accumulated from the American Rescue Act Funds. The interest account currently has over $2.5 million in it. Earlier this year, the Mayor dipped into the fund to pay for a $114,175 strategic plan for the city government.

When asked who the city planned to contract with for the site, the mayor’s spokesman, Joe Atkinson told us that the job hasn’t been put out for bids and they were waiting until the money is appropriated to get bids.

City council members voting against appropriating funds for the website include: Missy Mosby, Tanisha Carothers, Angela Koehler Lindsey, Jim Brinkmeyer, and Courtney Johnson