Home Breaking News Evansville City Council Looking Into Term Limit Referendum

Evansville City Council Looking Into Term Limit Referendum

 On the second reading of an ordinance that would create three, four-year term limits for the Evansville City Council, Evansville Mayor, and City Clerk, a surprise motion happened.

Justin Elpers was speaking for the ordinance he authored. He says he had been thinking about this since before he even took office. The conservative thinks that politics is by no means a career, but something that is limited. He says that by bringing in new leadership every so often, the city would be better for it and it may help “abysmal voter turnout.”

He was quickly rebuffed by fellow councilperson Missy Mosby, who believes the process should be left up to the voters. Mosby thinks that the voters set the term limit by voting the members of the council in or out based on merit.

That idea may have sparked councilwoman Connie Robinson to come up with something the council agreed on. She wants to leave the decision on the term limits ordinance up to the people, so she motioned to table the discussion to have city attorney Joshua Claybourn look into putting the ordinance on a referendum, and maybe even the costs should they have to hold a special referendum.

Claybourn says he should have the answers at the next city council meeting.


  1. Also add to the survey: Should City Council members receive paid for health insurance for these “part time” jobs? No job I know of offers that. I think THAT is one reason some stay around. Of course some are old enough for Medicare.

  2. I do not see any point to a referendum. The same ones who keep re-electing the council people will be the same ones voting in a referendum.

  3. It wil become tribal. Meaning,,its your council member thats the problem not mine. Just like congress

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