Evansville City Council 2025 Meeting Schedule


The City Council adopts the official regular meeting schedule at the beginning of each year.  City Council meets two Mondays each month at 5:30 p.m. Central Standard Time in Council Chambers, room 301 on the third floor of the Civic Center.  The Civic Center is located in downtown Evansville at 1 N.W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Evansville, Indiana 47708.

However, if a Council committee meeting is scheduled, times vary.  Check the agenda prior to each meeting to ensure you have the correct time and date.

The seating capacity for the Council meetings is 76. But all meetings are live streamed.

Watch live during meeting time. Online at www.evansville.in.gov/accessevc by selecting the “City Council Meeting” under the “Upcoming Events” header.

“Upcoming Events” are arranged by date, with the most recent at the top of the list.  To watch the meeting and view agenda documents, click “Video”.  To listen to the meeting, click “Audio”.  To view documents, click “Agenda” or “Minutes”.

Watch after the meeting.  Archived videos of meetings are easier to navigate than ever!  Topics of discussion are time-stamped within the video allowing viewers the ability to quickly jump to any topic by clicking on the agenda item.

To view archived meeting footage at www.evansville.in.gov/accessevc by selecting “For Archived Events” and then select “City Council” for a list of archived meeting information to view.