Evansville Before the Civil War – (Archives)


Aug 26, 2010
(6:00 p.m.)

Author of Home Town History: The Evansville, Indiana Area, A Photo Timeline, Harold Morgan will present a program based on his extensive research on Evansville’s early history. The program is the second in the Home Town History series, and will survey important events in the development of the city up to the eve of the Civil War. Harold is also the author of Home Front Heroes: Evansville and the Tri-State in WWII.

Reservations are not required, but are appreciated.
You may call (812) 425-4309, ext. 114, or register online at http://www.willard.lib.in.us/calendar_of_events/event_details.php?eventID=376

Event Location:

Second Floor


  1. I am searching the web for availability for purchase of the book:
    Home Town History
    The Evansville, Indiana Area;
    A Photo Timeline,
    by: Harold B. Morgan
    If a copy of the book is available for purchase, either through a local book dealer, or via on-line order, please let me know by return eMail. [RAStremming@aol.com]. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!

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