Establishing a foster parent bill of rights BY WENDY MCNAMARA


One way to help address the foster care shortage in our state is to provide better support to foster families. This session, I sponsored legislation to give foster parents a stronger voice when communicating and working with the Department of Child Services.

The governor recently signed into law a measure to enact a foster parent bill of rights that lays out the expectations, rights, responsibilities and duties for foster parents and child service agencies.

Under the new law, the Department of Child Services will form a group of current foster parents, child-placing agencies, and other organizations and individuals with expertise in foster care services to develop and update a statement of rights and responsibilities for foster parents.

By enacting a bill of rights, foster parents will have the opportunity to be better heard, which will hopefully result in more effective communication with groups involved in the child welfare system.

To learn about becoming a foster parent, supporting foster families or adoption opportunities, visit