ERC Cancels First Meeting of 2012: Special Meeting Scheduled for January 10th


The first regularly scheduled meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission set for Wednesday, January 4th 2012, is cancelled.

The Evansville Redevelopment Commission will hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday January 10th, at 8:30 a.m. in the Civic Center Room 307, 1 NW Martin Luther King Jr Blvd., Evansville, IN 47708.


  1. Is it possible that the ERC as currently comprised cannot perform another legitimate act of business because it did not reorganize as required by state statute on the first business day of January, and that the only board which can perform a legitimate act business will be the new ERC as comprised after the new mayor and council appoint its board members?

    • Barnett does not leave until the 17th. The ERC Authority can also call a special meeting before the 17th. I would say the situation still bears watching very closely.

  2. Bedlam, I really hope you are correct so the current Keystone Cops ERC is legally defunct and can no more damage.

    • IC 36-7-14-8: Commission; meetings; officers; treasurer; rules; quorum; approval of actions
      Sec. 8. (a) The redevelopment commissioners shall hold a meeting for the purpose of organization not later than thirty (30) days after they are appointed and, after that, each year on the first day in January that is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday. They shall choose one (1) of their members as president, another as vice president, and another as secretary. These officers shall perform the duties usually pertaining to their offices and shall serve from the date of their election until their successors are elected and qualified.

      • While I am not a lawyer, judge, or state attorney general, until I hear a legal opinion on it, I take section 8 to mean that the regular business of the ERC must be performed after and under the direction of the officers (from among the existing board members) elected on the first business day of each January until their successors are elected and qualified.

        • I could be wrong but I think now the current ERC cannot even gavel a meeting to order, and the new ERC will have up to 30 days from the time of their appointment to convene a legit meeting of the board, beginning with the election of new officers.

          Of course things often work out differently in Bedlamville.

  3. If I were Mayor Winnecke I would forbid the 2011 ERC members from meeting or transacting business of any kind, as the mayoral administration under which they conducted business in the past has expired. The fun and games are over. We need to get down to the serious business of reviving a here-to-fore collapsing economy.

    • Yes, it is “root hog, or die” time for Evansville. The time is over for these area legislators who sit on their hands and watch the Indianapolis area pick off everything coming into the state. Should they make a trip to Urbana?

      Now we have to watch this union versus non-union dog and pony show when the real focus should be on getting the damn jobs in here in the first place!

      While these children are throwing their tantrums it would be nice if the law (you know, doing the job you were elected and sworn to do is mandatory) stepped in and gave a few of the ringleaders a good old country ass whipping, so to speak.


      • I’m going to disagree with you slightly. It is a dog and pony show, that much is true, but I think it is critical that Indiana be a state that attracts good-paying jobs, not those which workers cannot even live on. We do not need more McDonald’s-wage paying jobs! JMHO

  4. Who appoints the ERC board members?

    What are the terms and expiration dates of the ERC members?

    How many terms expired on 12-31-11? Is an appointee no longer a board member when their term expires?

    Does Mayor Lloyd need to make new appointments to the board so the board has a quorum?

      • I might add that since 3 out of 5 represent a quorum, the city executive is virtually assured of getting his way. So what we have is a commission that gives off the ALLUSION that there is serious debate of the business before them going on, and that the outcome is not preordained.



    • First off, Winnecke is Mayor of Evansville, not Lloyd.

      The term of office for each board member begins on January 1 and extends for one year or until the board member is replaced by a succeeding appointee.

      Thus all current board members remain members of the board until replaced by an appointee of the new mayor or the city council which appoints two.

      A quorum exists when 3 board members attend and open the meeting. I still contend that no meeting can be opened in 2012 until a legitimate existing board reorganizes, elects officers, and begins to conduct business under the provisions of Indiana Code 36-7-14-8, etc.

  5. So, in all practicality, the new board will not meet until succeeding appointees are appointed and qualified.

    Have some board members already been appointed?

    If all board members remained in place and new appointments had not been made, January 4, 2012 was a day late for code, unless someone declared January 3, 2012 as a weekend or holiday.

    I suppose the real news is who will be appointed by Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and who will be appointed by City Council?

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