EPD threatens bike riding fireman with taser



We have just been alerted that Evansville Fireman George Madison allegedes he was threatened with a Taser and handcuffed by an EPD officer for  waving at him while on a bicycle ride on South Weinbach Ave. Madison is also a youth pastor at Memorial Baptist Church.  We also hear that pastor Madison is or has been involved with the 911 Gives Hope Board of Directors over the years.  People within the Evansville police department and civil rights leaders of the 4th Ward are watching to see how Chief  Bolin is going to handle  this highly sensitive political situation.  We also hear from other sources that pastor Madison allegedly give the police officer the finger after he ran a stop sign while on his bike.

This is a developing story.  We are waiting to receive an official  news release from the city concerning  this breaking story,  We shall post any messages sent to us by the city and or the police department public relations department soon as they send it to us.


  1. People in the 4th Ward are wondering about the over all leadership skills of Chief of Police Billy Bolin and his leadership team. I heard that the rank and file of the police department is quickly losing confidence in Chief Bolin leadership,

    • The people of the 4th Ward have seen the number of African American officers on the EPD double under Chief Bolin. The number of complaints against his officers has dropped by almost 50%. The leader of the 4th Ward actually testified on behalf of an officer that was accused of grabging a kids nuts. She thought Bolin should allow him to keep his job. Of course the kid was white and did not live in her ward she was not worried about losing any votes.
      The rank and file have been given the training and equipment that they need to do their jobs that the prior mayor refused to give them.
      I would say the huge drop in complaints shows a huge jump in morale. That does not really match up with your claims of what “you heard”.

    • Maybe the city can keep their tapes. The county tapes can disapear if they don’t back up the deputys recolections.

  2. Jeeminy Christmas .

    I am buying common sense at a low.

    I am a huge cop supporter but tazed for a maybe dis?

  3. Jesus, they are out of control. Having a POS like Bolin as chief is a scary thing for the city.

    • Complaints have dropped almost 50% under Bolin. Less then 1% of contact with citizens result in a complaint. Sure sounds like they are out of control. EPD officers are invovled in numerous community groups that help all walks of life. Bolin set that example when he created Kids Kingdom, 911 Gives Hope, and the Choose Not to Lose program. Yep, he sure is a POS.
      You hated on the EPD under the last Chief and now the current one. You are anti-police regardless of their leadership or what is really going on. Be honest and tell us what you did to makes you hate them so much.

      • Yes John Doe! You are ridiculous. That is all you ever do is bash on any kind of law enforcement. Grow up. Like I said before….. frankly my DEER we dont give a damn what you say!

          • Ok. You brought that up for the zillinth time. Please explain how that makes Bolin a POS.

          • That kind of reckless and hotheaded bravado ought to draw shame and very public ridicule and outrage. It’s sad that such an action is considered acceptable around here. This is only one reason on a long list, but it’s the most egregious.

          • Not to mention all the money that incident and others are costing the taxpayers and not one drew any type of punishment for the offenders.

  4. Even the c & p has rolled over and actually reported on this. The cop brutality apologists are going to have a hard time with this one when Bolin sits on his hands. It helps the victim is black but hurts that he’s a firefighter. Good luck justifying this misbehavior, jocksniffers.

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