EPD taking steps to curb repeated gun related incidents in South side neighborhood




Evansville Police will begin a “directed patrol” program in the area of Covert and Kentucky in an effort to bring an end to recent violence in the neighborhood. In addition to a high profile presence, other investigative steps are underway.
These steps are being taken because police have responded to numerous calls for shots fired in the 1,000 block of Covert in recent months. That includes the response early Sunday morning.
In the most recent case, someone fired approximately 15 bullets at an occupied home. No one in the house was injured. Police do not believe the attack was random. Police believe one of the occupants was the intended target. That person, who is a known gang member, was not cooperative with the investigators.
In an effort to improve neighborhoods throughout the city, EPD is encouraging residents to be active in their neighborhood associations and to work with police to address neighborhood concerns.
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call EPD at 812-436-7979 or the WeTip Hotline at 1-800-78-CRIME.


  1. Interesting you never hear Connie Robinson acknowledge their a problem in her Ward. Than again there is no money in that for her…Cuz we all know Connie is all
    about the benjamin

  2. It would be a good public service for police to give us the actual address of the home that was shot up which includes the known gang member so we law-abiding citizens can avoid it. It’s a matter of public record now anyway; why not tell us?

    • The article says it happened in the 1000 block of Covert. I am sure you spend quite a bit of time hanging with your peeps on that block. Next time you are down there chillin’, make sure you are not in the house with all the bullet holes in it.
      As for public record, the name is only public record if the gangster wants to be listed as the victim of be crime. Intended target is way different than cooperating victim.
      In case you missed the last several years of crime in the south side, most folks don’t see nothin’ or say nothin’. That is unless it is a person in a uniform and hurt someone’s feelings.

  3. Seems like Ms. Robinson and the esteemed Rev. Brooks would have an open ended project to help curtail fatherless homes and the specter of multiple baby daddies for every welfare momma. As long as the feral youth stay on the south side and kill each other off the problem is self correcting. If they spread their reindeer games beyond those borders, the general public will be able to assist.

      • Ah typical liberal holier than thou judgmental drivel. Not surprising from you Jim Crow Doe. Be glad the CCO does not ban you for getting personal with people. It is websites like this that allow people to be who they are whether that is someone accused of racism by a jerk like you or even a mindless Obamabot.

        • Birther nut jobs don’t have credibility anyway. So you’re right, I should just let them freely express their idiocy without ridicule.

          • My point exactly. “Birther nut jobs” as you call them have every right to look as stupid in public as someone who is mindlessly addicted to the unintelligible words spewing from the mouth of that idiot that lives in the White House. Next time you need a birthday party organized or your yard mowed, call Barack Obama and watch your project turn to shit. He is incapable of doing anything that involves real work. Good words, no action. He is as useless as a birther nut job.

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