EPD Sgt. Jason Cullum To Travel To Washington, DC To Work With DOJ COPS Office As A Law Enforcement Fellow


Evansville Police Sergeant Jason Cullum has been selected as a 2016 Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services Office Law Enforcement Fellow.
As a Law Enforcement Fellow, Sgt. Cullum will travel to Washington, DC to work with the COPS Office staff. He will be a Subject Matter Expert with major COPS programs such as the Collaborative Reform Initiative and the implementation of the recommendations of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. He will also be a SME in the Critical Response Initiative, Emerging Issues reform, and other work of the Police Practices and Accountability Initiative section.
He will be providing advice and comments on reports, pending publications, recommendations, research on community policing and law enforcement topics, as well as the development of topics for other forums.
He will also create a professional development project within the scope of community policing that can be developed and implemented during the fellowship to add value to the COPS mission and the law enforcement field.
Sgt. Cullum will participate in the program for 6 months. He will split his time between Evansville and Washington, DC in 2 week blocks during his fellowship. He will begin his work with the Department of Justice COPS Office on Monday May 16th.
Sgt. Cullum was selected for this unique opportunity based on his experience in working with local schools, youth engagement in high crime areas, public information/ communications, and social media.