EPD Has Formed a New Unit


 In order to streamline APRA/FOIA requests, the Evansville Police Department has formed a new unit called the Public Access Unit. In the future, please submit all APRA/FOIA and Law Enforcement Recordings requests to: publicaccess@evansvillepolice.com. 

The normal process for requesting routine affidavits, initial incident reports, arrests reports, and to view accident reports remains the same. Media personnel can still request these items at the EPD Records counter. 

Requests that require APRA/FOIA or Law Enforcement Recordings forms include but are not limited to: body cam footage, incident case files/supplements, surveillance video, crime scene photos, emails, personnel records, training documents/records. All of these types of request should be sent to publicaccess@evansvillepolice.com. 

I have also attached the Evansville Police Department’s APRA/FOIA and Law Enforcement Recordings forms. These forms will need to be filled out entirely and submitted to the above email. You can still contact me at agray@evansvillepolice.com for questions and follow-ups.Â