EPA Sewer Mandate Inspires Public Meetings: City Council put on Notice by Water & Sewer Utility


Dear City Council

In preparation for our final submittal of our Integrated Overflow Control Plan to the EPA on May 31st, we will host six public meetings (one in each Ward) on May 14, 15 and 16. The schedule, location and time of those meeting are noted below.

This plan will represent one of the City’s largest-ever capital improvement project: Renew Evansville – the approximate 30-year plan to improve the City’s sewer system and comply with a federal mandate from the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Renew Evansville will significantly upgrade Evansville’s sewer infrastructure and operations, helping to eliminate many problems that result from a century-old system; and over time, these upgrades and changes will bring the City into compliance with the Clean Water Act.

For the past three years, the Evansville Water and Sewer Utility has been developing an Integrated Overflow Control Plan (IOCP), mandated by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), EPA and the U.S. Department of Justice. The IOCP includes specific solutions to address Evansville combined sewer overflows, back-ups in the separate sanitary sewer system, the timing for implementing these changes and financing options. The City has been working to update a draft plan that was submitted to regulators and the public last July.

Next week, the Utility is hosting six public meetings to present the final plan and gather community input. We hope you will join us for one or more these meetings and share the meeting information below with your neighbors, friends and colleagues.

Tuesday, May 14 9 to 10:30 a.m. McCollough Library, 5115 Washington Ave. – Ward 1

6:30 to 8 p.m. Bosse High School, 1300 Washington Ave – Ward 4

Wednesday, May 15 9:30 to 11 a.m. North Park Library, 960 Koehler Dr. – Ward 5

6:30 to 8 p.m. Vogel Elementary, 1500 Oak Hill Rd. – Ward 3

Thursday, May 16 9:30 to 11 a.m. Red Bank Library, 120 S. Red Bank Rd. – Ward 6

6:30 to 8 p.m. Fairlawn Elementary, 2021 S. Alvord Blvd. – Ward 2

You may find information about Renew Evansville, download a copy of the draft plan that was submitted to regulators last July, and submit comments and questions online at www.RenewEvansville.com.

We look forward to sharing our plan for one of Evansville’s most important, yet unseen assets, its sewer system.


Allen Mounts, Director

Evansville Water and Sewer Utility


  1. Bring your dog & your pony.

    Why would you do these meetings BEFORE your final report ? Looking for citizen input, eh ?

    What if the Citizens tell you ‘Hell No’ !!

  2. Your right about it being a dog and pony show ,,powers that be have spoken and most on council do what mayor tells em to do no matter on the possibly of taxpayers at a loss of their hard work tax paying dollars

  3. “We look forward to sharing our plan for one of Evansville’s most important, yet unseen assets, its sewer system.”

    I am literally laughing out loud. I’m going to have to redo my eye make-up. Who knew Allen Mounts had a sense of humor.

    I also love, “Next week, the Utility is hosting six public meetings to present the final plan and gather community input.”

    It seems hard to present a final plan and receive input at the same time. What’s the input at this point? One either is or isn’t moving away to avoid the cost of this project. That’s the extent of the public’s input.

  4. Fitting since turds are flowing into Bee Line Slough after this afternoon’s downpour…

    Queue ‘Turds on the Water’

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