     Attached is the link to the entire SBOA Examination Report of Water and Wastewater Utilities of Vanderburgh/Evansville Indiana for January 1,2013 to December 31, 2013.
    Please read pages 25and 26 of this report see how the City  officials responded to the SBOA. 


    1. Pg. 26, first full paragraph:

      “The City disputes the state’s characterization that the City fund balances, cash and investments were not properly reconciled or contain undiscovered incorrect postings as of 12-31-2013”.

      How precious ! The State says you didn’t reconcile the accounts, and you dispute that ! City: please tell us the BASIS on which you dispute that finding by the State ?

      • So when the SBOA was going to issued a dirty report as noted in the recorded Exit conference and two months later poof the report is clear…the SBOA knows what they are doing…now, $400,000 is missing and they do not know what they are doing…which is it maybe the original dirty report was really dirty???

    2. On page 24, we see that Friend and O’Daniel of City Council attended the Exit Conference. Did both of these gentlemen not think it prudent to discuss this at a City Council meeting, or at least put together a press release ? $ 395,000 is missing and unaccounted for. That deserves full disclosure to the voters . . . . why doesn’t the CC get it that they do have an oversight role ??????????

      • You are absolutely correct!!!! When will the Council get of their asses and report the suspected thief…and Allen Mounts’ reply to Friend’s question about the status of the investigation and his response was “we got that fixed” how did you fix it???…Friend should have said, WHY HASN’T THIS ADMINISTRATION REPORT THIS FINDING TO THE STATE POLICE…. and like Obama, they blame Wienzapfel…simply bs!!!!!

    3. Boy, it sure appears that the Utility is like an ATM machine…come getcha some attitude…

    4. It remains impossibly hard to believe that the old water meters were only 88% accurate AND the error was always in favor of the customer to the financial loss of the City. If the old meters were equally (50/50) inaccurate in favor of city and customer, then how can there be any savings to the City by having more accurate meters installed for $45.3 million?:

      “The plan — dubbed Smart City 2.0 — was first conceived during former Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel’s administration with Johnson Controls, Inc. in 2011, and was originally slated to cost $57 million.”

      “The approved plan calls for around 47,000 water meters to be replaced in the city, said Allen Mounts, water and sewer utility director. The meters will be outfitted to give the utility more accurate water readings.”

      ‘The $45.3 million project will not be funded through rate increase, rather it will be funded through the money generated from having water meters that provide more accurate customer readings.

      While not a rate increase, water bills will likely be higher since the current meters are on average 88 percent accurate, meaning the average customer may not be paying for 12 percent of the water actually used, Mounts said.”


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