Energy efficiency is “out” with coal and even nuclear very much “in” for Indiana despite that fact that new coal and nukes are hugely expensive and efficiency has proven very affordable in other states.
Where do we go from here? That will be discussed in this month’s Southern Indiana Democracy for America Town Hall on Wednesday April 2, beginning at 7 PM in the Browning Room A of the Evansville Central Library.
Last Friday, Governor Pence announced that he would not veto a bill that essentially destroys Indiana’s State Energy Efficiency program which was less than two years old and saving consumers money and saving utilities the need to build new power plants. Instead, he wants the program to go back to square one except one allowing an “opt out” for the State’s largest consumers. And, the Chairman of the Senate Utility Committee this year introduced a bill to encourage use of more nuclear energy in the state.
This is the same legislature that has remained quiet concerning the huge cost overruns experienced with the construction of the Duke Edwardsport new coal plant that went from a promised $1.2 billion in 2006, to more than $3.5 billion most of which requires ratepayers to assume the risk.
Currently, Governor Pence is undertaking development of a new “all of the above” Energy Development Plan which thus far has had little input from the public, both consumers and alternative energy companies. SOINDFA discussion of these issues is designed to bring a wide array of opinion and fact to the table in Indiana.
The Town Hall is open to the public and people are encouraged to offer their voice to these monthly events.