Home State News Eighth annual Drug Take Back Event a success

Eighth annual Drug Take Back Event a success


By Antonio Corderotimthumb.php-17

INDIANAPOLIS—More than 600 pounds of unwanted and unused drugs were collected Saturday during the eighth annual “Drug Take Back Event.” The event was sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Agency, with assistance from the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (IPLA) and the Indiana Board of Pharmacy.pills – stock

“The Indiana Professional Licensing Agency and the Board of Pharmacy are committed to finding ways to improve Hoosiers’ health,” said Nicholas W. Rhoad, Executive Director of the IPLA. “We were proud to partner with local law enforcement officials and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to help rid homes of potentially dangerous unused medicines and potential items for theft,” he said.

The organizations sponsored drop off sites locations in Noblesville, Greenwood, Peru, Gary, Evansville and Decatur.

Since the DEA’s first Drug Take Back Event in September of 2010, more than 3.4 million pounds of pills have been turned in

Antonio Cordero is a reporter for TheStatehouseFile.com, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.