Evansville City Councilwoman Missy Mosby was invited to appear on Tri-State Voices for the March 25, 2015 taping.  Ms. Mosby legitimately had a conflict for the evening with the Mayor’s Traveling Town Hall, which was located in the Second Ward that night. However, Mosby refused to reschedule the discussion with her opponent Steve Davis and was dishonest in recounting the issue to her voters vie Facebook.  In addition she also failed to disclose her ability to reschedule the taping of the Tri-State Voices show for essentially any time she chose.  We were also insulted to hear there was an attempt made asking that Mosby receive a pass for coming on the show.
Tri-State Voices is a popular weekly 30 minute program on local Cable television, City County Observer You Tube Channel.  This program is hosted by a well known local Democrat (Mark Owen) and Republican (Cheryl Musgrave) who prepare questions for the candidates that are not disclosed prior to the program taping. For this election cycle the City Council At Large candidates, City Clerk candidates and one of the candidates for the First Ward have already appeared. The program thus far has proven to be a fair discussion about important issues facing the community. It is also the only forum for the May 5th Primary where candidates must carry themselves. Unlike written questions that can be answered by anyone, candidates must think on their feet while viewers can surmise their comfort level and body language in answering tough questions.
With city budgets upside down, eating away at reserves, and more and more of gambling revenue being used for downtown projects, other questions worthy of an answer is whether Mosby would support a tax increase or annexation. The voters have a right to answers and to determine Mosby’s ability understand the City’s finances. The assumption is she has no such ability. She has supported the current Mayor’s spending habits and opposed every attempt to bring the City’s finances into order. With a refusal to cut budgets, her constituents should know her plan for infrastructure and park maintenance beyond her statements to the Courier & Press that more money should be spent. Where will this money come from? What other part of the budget should be cut? People want answers, and she should be more than willing to provide them.
It is important to point out that this week Tri-State Voices program is presently on the City County Observer You Tube Channel for the remainder of the week.  Ms. Mosby opponent Steve Davis showed up for the taping of the show and answered many pointed questions concerning his stance on local governmental issues.  We encourage to visit our You Tube site and view for yourself how 2nd Ward City Council candidate Steve Davis conducts himself during this interview.  As far as Ms. Mosby we guess you can follow her political stances on her Facebook.
Prior to revealing our endorsements for the Primary, we would like to again extend an invitation to Councilwoman Mosby to participate in Tri-State Voices TV Show and correct the impression she lacks answers to the City’s financial woes. Finally, we are aware of emails and texts from Tri-State Voices   co-hosts that foreshadow questions and offer new dates. Ms. Mosby can simply respond to an email or text and set up a new time.  We strongly encourage her to face her opponent.  By not doing so she looks like she has taken her re-election to City Council for granted.
Why she’s a Mosby! That means she’s entitled. What part of that don’t you understand? (Sarcasm intended)
Typical republican entitlement mentality.
She’s a Democrat.
And it’s pretty dense for a news show to have an interview during a major community event. She should not have to call to beg a reschedule, it should be done by the hosts.
Cheryl Musgrave sent her several emails offering to reschedule the show taping at her convenience, and Steve agreed to be there anytime she wanted. Missy is afraid of questions she can’t ask Winneke how he wants her to answer in advance. When she says she is working for you she really only means it if your last name is Winneke or McClintock. That’s where she gets her paycheck and where her loyaltys lie. Not with the citizens of the 2nd Ward or of Evansville. She really hasn’t a clue as to government finances, and it’s time to replace her along with her buddy Weaver.
Um let’s leave it at: she’s a Republican in Democrat clothing?
One would think she should be happy to show her “constituents” that she has some grasp of the fiscal situation her votes for Winnecke’s schemes have put us in-it isn’t a long show, she could showcase her abilities as a city councilperson-or run the danger of people realizing she hasn’t anything of substance to offer. Just her sense of entitlement.
We (the taxpayers) pay her to represent our interests, and if we have questions about her decision making on our behalf, she should hop, skip, and jump to present to the public, on a fair forum, (her old buddy Mark Owen is there) her reasons and projected outlook about what on earth she expects to occur, what solutions she has thought of.
One does not expect a woman of her mature age to throw yet another hissy fit and storm off–defensive, so much so, that one is immediately concluding suspicion of action in need of defense…
Bootsie says Missy is a Republican in Democrat clothing. When it comes to the current mayor and the current council, how do you tell the difference? I’d say it’s more like the mayor is a Democrat in Republican clothing.
Whinney is not a Democrat and to suggest other wise is not right and wrong. Missy acts more like a Republican all the time since she works at a real estate job with/for the Mayor’s Wife Carol McClintock. Missy derives most of hear yearly total earnings from the Mayor and his wife real estate Business.
Mosby is no more a Democrat that the GOP Mayor Lloyd Whinney is. Both support GOP ideas more than Democratic Ideas at the local level. Mosby acts like a GOP liberal who’s in office and wants to spend the tax payers money as much as possible. She supported the Shot Spot Locator deal which would be a waste of money in my opinion. What good would it do to know exactly where the shots were fired from? They can find empty shell casings faster maybe but the perps will still be long gone from the area before the police can respond to the scene. And in this town the people are either too afraid to tell on who’s doing the shooting or they didn’t see any thing. These kids (young groups of black kids with nothing better to do — no good paying job other than dealing drugs) need to be sent away to prison for a long time and break the cycle of these young guys training the next generation of black youth to be drug dealers and gang members. We need to use community policing and see that any witnesses are protected from retaliation. Until the police or City leaders can figure out a way to get people to testify against these criminals in a court of law the will be no stopping these gangs.
She’s a democrat.
Quote: “Prior to revealing our endorsements for the primary.”
Editor, please note the “wrong path” of endorsing candidates which had a backlash on this site from that last election cycle?
Endorsing candidates only makes this site a slave to the Endorsed?
IIT that if we want a editors endorsement, we would buy a copy of C&P and see who “Tim” endorsed, and then vote the opposite?
If a CCO poll is taken on should the CCO have a official endorsement list, my vote would be no!
Arm, Agree.
So you are going to tell us the individuals you endorse ? Is It True, you are supposed to be independent, unbiased, yet you are going to suggest those who pay for your advertising ?
As quoted from before, ” Your site sucks “. My opinion only.
She has nothing to gain by appearing on a little YouTube show with an agenda against her. Although she’s a Democrat, she’s doesn’t appear to be stupid.
A highly regarded (D) and a (R) presenting civil questions to a candidate is not a “agenda against” her.
If it is considered nothing to gain for her, it tells me she is in defensive mode and can not afford to lose any
more votes. With yourself supporting her not to appear on that show tells me you republicans can not afford to lose that republican-Democrat yes person to the mayor!
Dis, The article says it’s a popular show. Wonder how they define popular.
Are you serious with that question?
If so, let me try to explain. Candidate John Doe has a “R” behind his name. So “Cowboy”
would automatically say, with that “R”, he must be “popular” in his (Cowboy) circle!
Arm, I think we are going down different paths. My comment was about the you tube program not an individual.
Popular show
Popular color
Popular political party
Popular girl/boy when in school.
Popular has the same meaning!
I used the “R” which you favor for the connection!
Arm, Have you been out in the pole barn popping tops today ?
Cow, never touch it during the day.
Just got in as it got dark. Might drink “one”
watching Cards baseball replay game!
The March 8th edition of the youtube show has 57 views and 1 comment. Looks like a total of 26 people subscribe to the channel.
So, there’s your definition of ‘popular’.
Does the show not go out live or tape delayed on a local TV station as well as the U Tube channel? And I watch a lot of U Tube videos without subscribing to the channel.
I’ve never watched one, don’t know what other formats it’s broadcast in. I don’t particularly think a low number of views = a bad or unimportant bit of video, FWIW. A large number of views for damn sure doesn’t mean something is WORTH watching, that’s for sure!
I’m personally glad somebody is taking the time to do the interviews. Regardless of (real or perceived) bias, Q & A with local politicians is a valuable thing for a voter to have access to. That said, The New Editor has a habit of…embellishing things to fit his/her agenda (calling CAJE one of ‘the most highly respected organizations in the Tri-State’, for example when pushing the narcan story).
Haha! Nothing like being famous in your own mind. If you’ve taken 5 minutes out of your life to watch this horrible attempt by Musgrave and Owen to be relevant in a discussion believe me that’s 5 minutes you’ll NEVER get back. This so called show is AWFUL! No wonder there were only 57 views. Yikes, and I was one of them. I will tell you this I laughed quite a bit. Maybe it’s a comedy??????
How do you ask so many questions. Are you not able to look up the word “popular” in the dictionary for your self or do you let your mommy look it up for you. Can you not figure things out for yourself cowboy?
Move, Well that was a rather silly post at 5:29.
Appearances can be deceiving disaffected. For example looking at your user name in here would tend to make one thing that you are not attached to the discussion but you are very much attacked. Mossby supports a GOP Mayor’s wishes when here Party does not. That makes here a out of touch with the Democratic people she was elected to represent. If she were really smart and up to date on what’s going on in the city she would jump for joy to go on TV and show how knowledgeable she is. But she is afraid to expose herself and her lack of knowledge or one must assume that if she fails to appear on the TV show and face her democratic primary opponent., Failure to face the opponent makes here look bad in the eyes of many other democrats. Maybe Richard Nixon should have refused to go on TV to debate John F. Kennedy and maybe he would have not looked so stupid and everyone could have just figured he was stupid not to show up for the debate. No one wants to vote for a Coward who’s afraid to show the voters how they can handler themselves in a good old fashion political debate in front of the voters.
Mosby is just doing what Ron Bacon, Holli Sullivan and Wendy McNamara did. Ducking the public in advance of an election. None of them deserve to be in public office.
I watched all of those shows and the moderators were fair and civil, without exception. Mosby really had nothing to fear unless she knew her lack of depth would shine through.
They were fair and civil because they only had their side to be nice too. Never under any circumstances allow yourself to be questioned by a liberal democrat, never walk into an ambush that you know is there. If Mourdock had of stayed away from liberals he would be our senator today instead of pathetic joe donelly.
POV I guess you forget it was a whole lot of voters (liberal democrats) that elected Obama and all the other Democrats to public office. Would you suggest that the canadates really miss the opportunity to talk to the votes though a TV show? How sad you are.
John Hostettler kicked Brad Ellsworth’s rear in a debate, still lost. Romney kicked the ever living stuffing out of Obama, made Obama look as stupid as he really was, Romney still lost. Spend your political time doing meet and greets, or something as productive. Liberal democrats are given the questions in advance, it’s hard to compete against that. A smart candidate does it their way or it doesn’t happen.
2000 election, Al Gore received 500,000 more votes then George Bush.
The way Electoral College is set up is that we do not directly vote for the
presidential candidate.
Is this the same Missy Mosby that was praised by the CCO when she was given your mole award a couple months ago.
The only Mole award she should win if there was an award for moles on faces.
Photoshop can do a lot of things, it can’t make you honest though.
Third grade remark. Real classy
If the shoe fits …. wear it with pride. Who said we have to be classy? Are you the editor of Evansville Living By any Chance? Some people with a 3rd grade mentality only understand 3rd grade humor and anything written for a higher educational level would simply zoom right over their heads. Some times one has to dumb the comments down for the slower learners.
No not the editor of evansville living. Just someone who gets sick of the childish comments and the bs that some people post. What’s really sad is most don’t have the guts to print there names.
As far as the endorsements go I think everyone who reads the CCO already knows who they will endorse.
Jack Waldroup
Missy is too smart to walk into an ambush. When you know people are out to get you stay away from them. Missy will out politic Davis, people know and trust her. People in her ward know the liberal arm of the local democrat party is out to get their candidate. The power arm of the democrat party will give Missy their support when the time is right, like the day before the primaries when we find out some terrible things about Davis. The fact that Davis is running as a democrat makes him suspect, wonder what he’s been promised. It would be nice if Missy actually ran as a republican, maybe she sees what democrats can do to a city, sort of like a tornado, they leave ruins behind them. Republicans are learning that liberals can’t be trusted so avoid them at all cost. Even moderate democrats are seeing the destructiveness of the liberal agenda.
Missy shadows your R mayors every move. Time for missy to jump ship to the “R” side.
When it waddles and quacks like a “R”, it must be a “R”!
D or R…
Any thoughts on the chance that a candidate who ran as an ‘I’ might have? Hard to attack a true independent for being beholden to party bosses or machine politics as usual. It would be a tough go, especially considering elections in E’ville are darn near forgone conclusions thanks to party politics and entrenched interests. You would only get help from normal folks, not the kingmakers and typical “grease you palm for favors’ business interests.
I think it would inject a serious breath of fresh air into this little burg, and might actually get some non-rabid, non- mindless, non-partisans interested in voting again.
Missy is not an Independent Delta. You know that and everyone else knows that. No matter how much spin you try to put on her. She backs the Popo and we know that but she is not right for the entire city and should not be on the city council. Heck you would make a better city council person than Missy. Hopefully you would try to represent the entire ward and not just yourself and your fellow policemen’s wishes.
Move, You want us to believe you know a lot about the goings on in the city. You are quick to explain what everyone thinks and means yet i believe you said you live in the county. Why do you bother? The President needs a lot of help right now. Why don’t you concentrate your brilliance on his dealings ?
I didn’t mean to imply, even a little, itsy bitsy bit, that Missy is an independent. Like most of our local politicos, she tends to fly whatever flag benefits her at the moment. I was genuinely wondering what chance, if any, the CCO hive mind thought a person running as an non-party affiliated Independent might have in this area.
Phil Hoy ran as an I and won. He had a following so he could run as anything he wanted. He ran as a democrat, then as a republican and lastly as an independent and always won. The best mayor this city has had in the last 30 years was McDonald Jr. He sure had conservative leanings, some local republicans claimed he was the best republican mayor we ever had even though he ran as a democrat. The absolute only reason we currently have a republican mayor is because the local democrat power structure is punishing those who broke ranks in 2012, challenged Weinzapfel and went with Davis. The democrat plan was for Weinzapfel to be a 3 term Mayor. What we are seeing with Winnecke is a pattern, the last 2 republican mayors have been brutalized a democrat CC.
What office did Phil run for and when did
he run?
Sorry. As a independent
I don’t remember anyone winning a local election as Independent in the past 40 years in Evansville or Vanderburgh County.
And Phil Hoy once ran for mayor as a Democrat in a primary against both Rick Borries and Gail Riecken. Care to tell us how that turned out for all three of them, pov, and the exact role Frank, Jr. played in that outcome?
By the way, Rick Davis issued his “challenge” to Weinzapfel the Friday before Fall Festival 2010, and those who supported Davis for mayor did so in 2011, not 2012. In 2012, Davis was on the ballot once again as county treasurer.
Wonder what it all means
Delta is NOT a popo as you like to put it. He’s a fire fighter.
i know! Why do so many people on this board assume I’m a LEO? Trust me, I’m MUCH better looking than your average cop… 🙂
Be putting on the gloves to battle a “po-po” in the ring?
Hell no! I’ll leave that to the young’uns!
Because you have sensibilities that’s why they think you are LEO. I enjoy reading your posts. They are full of CORRECT information and not all conspiracy based. 🙂
Wow! I’m back on from my banishment! Let’s see how long. Nothing like censorship!
Casual, What did you do to become a bad person ?
I want against all the cheerleaders on here that praise all the crazy Democrats. Or maybe it was when I called out Moveon as being the publisher of this blog. Sorry Ron, I know it is you. Nice to be back on for a few posts. I’m sure the banishment will follow soon. I’m actually surprised they allow you Cowboy to stay on. Not censored yet? I’ve noticed there are other censored folks too. They also had a lot to say but we can no longer see their posts either.
Cowboy, my guess would be that first time Casually voted straight republican!!!!
(could not resist, he-he!)
Missy works very hard for her district. They love her and no amount of trash you try to dish out on her will change that. You have a wako candidate in Davis who has nothing to offer including intelligence and just plain sense, and I believe people are still smart enough to be able to tell the difference. I am a democrat and I believe she does an excellent job on the City Council. She votes with sense, pride and as her constituents wish.
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