The following four emails are presented in reverse order in which they were sent. All correspondence took place after the Thursday meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission meeting. The message in the emails for those who wish to read them is that a) Councilman John Friend requested specific information about the detail plans of the hotel project from Ed Hafer, who was appointed to serve as Chairmen of the ERC by Mayor Winnecke, b) Hafer informed Councilman Friend that he will not share the information requested but would set up a face to face meeting 2 hours before Monday nights City Council meeting, c) Councilman Friend accepted the offer to meet but protested the fact that the entity that will be asked to fund the project is denied material information that clearly exists, and d) Councilman Friend registered his protest of this denial of material information with President Robinson.
Email from Councilman Friend to Council President Robinson
Attached is the email correspondence between Ed Hafer and myself concerning the
release of the business plan to the council. As you are aware, during the Kunkle
Hotel deal, we were provided the business plan, Curt John and I, were allowed to
review Kunkle’s financial position, after signing a confidentiality agreement.
Unfortunately, in this deal, apparently, the administration is not so obliging.
Of course, we have had the sit downs to discuss the general understandings, etc.
but, without documents to review and business plans, pro forma’s, assumptions,
and assertions, anyone who support a project without asking and receiving
perpetrate documentation, will enter at their own peril. As you may recall,
during last Tuesday morning’s meeting with the Mayor and Ted Ziemer, Ted
indicated that Scott Danks would be receiving a copy, for his review, that very
afternoon, but, according to Scott, he did not receive that copy until Thursday.
So, ERC had the contract, voted on it before our Counsel, had significant time
to review, etc.
Why is it like pulling teeth concerning obtaining requested information from
this Administration? John
Email from Councilman John Friend to Ed Hafer of the Evansville Redevelopment commission
It is unfortunate that they wish to keep a significant piece of info from the
council members. Having a meeting with me just two hours from a council
meeting where the deal will be unfolded is not transparency. Monday will be
hectic. Be prepare to answer the question why they refuse to release the
business plan. John
Email from Ed Hafer to Councilman Friend
I forwarded your message to HCW this morning. As you know I cannot give you
the information you requested.
Can I assume that if you are going to meet that 3:00 is suitable? I need to
schedule two other meetings and do not want to conflict with your availability.
I will let you know their response as soon as I hear something, although I
expect that you will hear from them directly.
Email from Councilman Friend to Ed Hafer
I don’t have any problems in meeting with them, but, I will have to have a
copy of the business plan, including the pro forma information. I need this over
the weekend to study because on Monday, the plan will be rolled out to the
council and I will need advance time to review. Then, I would like to meet with
Rick to discuss. Monday will be quite hectic due to the CBG budget hearings,
etc. When can I pick up a copy of the bus plan?
What an insult to the taxpayers of this community. Mr. Hafer has breached the public trust and should resign his position. Maybe its time we ask our elected officials to do away with the ERC because of the way they spend our hard earned tax dollars without accountability.
Just another nail in the Mayor political coffin.
Thanks Mr. Friend for standing up for the taxpayers of this community.
Does Hafer look like a cartoon rat to anyone else? Sounds like he acts like a rat too.
In a previous posting, it was suggested that Hafer resign his position with the Redevelopment Commission. My suggestion is that, if he has the guts, Mayor Winnecke should fire Hafer.
It takes unbelievable gall for an APPOINTED bureaucrat to feel he is politically superior to any ELECTED public official.
Given the current situation, I suggest that the Evansville City Council refuse to consider any proposal, including funding, to or for any appointed board, bureau, commission, etc. After all, without City Council approval, there is no funding available.
It serves No useful purpose to hide information from the Public, Hafer, all the Citizens are already aware of–Scum in a Suit,– Evansville’s Political Elitists dress up, but the smell of their Character seeps down their leg and rivals “Bee” Slough Perfume.
Thus, Most of us know a Stinking Political Creep when we encounter one.
Here is a link to a picture of Hafer
This shameful what Hafer is doing to City Council. How in the heck did this creep get appointed to this position by the Mayor. I got it, political donation.
My wife went to high school with this creep and tell me its obvious he hasn’t changed over the years. He’s still is a nerd and a creep.
Thanks Mr. Friend for standing up for open government.
Give them hell John.
Wonder how other city council members feel about this Hafer guy rejecting John Friends request for information about proposed downtown Convention Hotel? They need to make a public call for this guy to resign as Chairman of the ERC.
The only sane thing to do is table the proposal for at least a week after all the members of the council and county commissioneers have a copy. They are the representatives of the voters, who will be paying the bill.
You are so right onemeover. The council should take their own sweet time to thoroughly research this…for however long it takes to do in right. Further, Hafer won’t resign on a bet but there has to be a mechanism to remove such an appointee by law. If not, that should be changed. Can someone research this one?
Best suggestion of all is that if Hafer does indeed work for Vectren as someone has noted then the most direct route is for Vectren to give $20 million to the hotel company leaving out the city as middleman. This of course could apply to whatever company Hafer does work for if it is not Vectren. Last resort the personal wealth of those on the ERC. They are spending our money like they are millionaires.
The same hafer who was in charge of digging Roberts to below the water table, and loose windows in the john.
What happened to the pony tailed guy?
A friend of mine in upper management at Vectren tell me that this Hafer guy is a ghost employee of Vectren. He says that Hafer and his committee mission is to attract big projects that will use large amounts of energy supplied by Vectren in order to increase profitability.
So it this why he (Hafer) is spearheading the effort to over build the downtown convention hotel? If this information is true it looks like we might have a little influence peddling by Vectren going on here. Bottom line I’m filing a formal complaint against Mr. Hafer and Vectren to the state regulatory board to see if we have a conflict of interest and influence problem going on.
It is my professional opinion if Ed Hafer receives and money, donations, free office rent, support staff services, paid membership in professional or civic organizations, travel allowances by Vectren as it’s Regional Economic Business Development Committee President then it looks like he could be is in a compromised situation being a member and Chairmen of the Evansville ERC. More big ticket capital projects pushed by Ed Hafer as Chairmen of the ERC means more energy sold by Vectren.
I’m with you on filing a formal complaint against Ed Hafer and Vectren with the State. Let the state officials decide this alleged conflict of interest issue.
Evansville Regional Business Committee, Inc
1 Vectren Sq Evansville, Indiana 47708-1209
(812) 491-4079
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana
318 Main St #401 Evansville, IN 47708
(812) 425-8147
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
We have chambers and commissions out the wazoo, what we need are new companies and jobs that pay a livable wage.
What we have been getting for 9 years, without even the after glow or the cigarette is, …..well use your own imagery here.
Here it comes again, assume the position.
Firstly, I had no idea our local leadership was so borderline illiterate. I understand emails are somewhat informal, but the sheer amount of spelling and grammar errors in these emails is alarming. Literacy is the cousin of reason, both should be exercised when discussing business.
Secondly, for the umteenth time, the ERC was created by Ordinance of the City Council. That entity has not always existed. The City Council can repeal the creative Ordinance of the ERC, thereby disbanding them. Sure, they answer to the Mayor, but ultimately, they owe their existence to the Council. I advocate a full and immediate repeal of the creative Ordinance of the ERC. If Mr. Friend truly wants a future for Evansville free from backroom deals and opacity, I’d like to hear him clearly articulate a position advocating disbanding the ERC.
Thirdly, after repeated failures by John Friend to follow through on this promises to fight the good fight, I am of a mind to reject this latest release of email correspondence as more pageantry, more pomp and circumstance, more sound and fury signifying nothing. Mr. Friend’s egregious voting record speaks for itself. He has no more intention of fighting opacity in government than Winnecke does. His vote on Johnson Controls and the 2013 budget proved that. Who at this point in time still believes this man?
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