EBT card lock feature helps prevent unauthorized use


EBT card lock feature helps prevent unauthorized use

As an added protection SNAP Benefit members have the ability to lock and unlock their EBT card. EBT card users are strongly encouraged to use card lock to protect their benefits from being stolen via card skimming, card cloning, and other similar methods.

To lock and unlock an EBT card please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to https://www.connectebt.com/inebtclient/
  2. Create an account if you do not have one, OR, log in with your user ID and Password
  3. Click on “Lock/Unlock” within the portal
  4. To lock your card, select “lock my card everywhere” then click SUBMIT
  5. To unlock your card, select “unlock my card” then click SUBMIT

Fraud will not be tolerated as SNAP benefit theft victimizes Hoosiers who rely on these benefits to feed their families.

To help protect SNAP benefits and combat SNAP fraud by card skimming, card cloning and other similar methods, we are asking our partners to please to share the “How to lock and unlock an EBT card,” information below on your social media channels to help raise awareness of the EBT lock/unlock.