Earthcare Energy Misses May Loan Payment


The CCO has learned that Earthcare Energy has missed the third $8,000 loan payment on the $200,000 note that was approved by the Economic Development Loan Committee before the Evansville City Council had an opportunity for public discussion.

Earthcare learned through the media in early May that Mayor Lloyd Winnecke had decided that they had not done what they needed to so the $4.8 Million loan could close. Earthcare disputes Mayor Winnecke’s assertion and has yet to acknowledge reciept of any written notice of default.

Earthcare has put the City on notice of a lawsuit and asserts that they fulfilled the terms of the contract with the City of Evansville.


    • Don’t worry, be happy: Connie will cough up the dough for Earthcare, and all be well.


  1. does a default on this loan place them in default on whole contract…. after 30 days?

  2. So where should Mamma Doc (Connie), Gage, and the cast of other idiots send the check?

  3. Gosh but Earthcare said that they would pay the money back. Maybe Messy, Beaver, Connie and Conner can front Earthcare the money until they get on their feet. Messy should be able to handle that on her on now that she is the “Head Detailer” for Wolf’s Auto Auction.

    • Do not forget—City Councilman Doc Adams said in the City Council meeting he would invest in Earthcare. What do you say now Doc?

      • Dr. Adams has long been an independent and wise member of the City Council. Many tines the “Dans”, Mr. McGinn and Dr. Adams appeared to be the only 2 adults on the Council. However, Dr. Adam’s positions with Earthcare and Allied Waste have been real head scratchers. Let’s face it, even Al Lindsey figured out Earthcare and voted against it.

  4. I think that Dan Adams has learned a bit from the Earthcare mess. I believe he is taking this as a huge learning experience and intends to move on to improve the methodology and approach for such projects in the future. We all know it was handled badly. Now lets move on to make much needed improvements before something similar happens again.

    • Earthcare by a different name will happen again unless preventative measures are put into law. The Mayor and the Council are unfortunately too stupid to do better. GAGE was supposed to prevent this stuff but Dewey turned out to be a brainless puppet. The real question is just who she chose to be a brainless puppet for.

    • I guess there’s a 50-50 chance that Councilman Adams is out raking up hypodermic needles from public park sandboxes this morning.

      • The pathetic reality is that after all of the publicity about the state of the parks last year there are still needles to be raked, rubbers on the ground, liquor bottles, and graffiti in the same places as before. Not a damn thing got done to fix it.

        There is less than a 50-50 chance that the City of Evansville will find a way to fix the problems with the parks.

      • There is a zero% chance that the Teamsters are in the parks at 6 am raking up needles and they are paid to do so.

        • the teamsters start work at 6am? even if they do they would report to a central location to be given their work assignments for the day and then go to them, so I doubt they would be out at 6am on the best of days

  5. Hey JoeBiden

    How about this statement? If City Councilman, John Friend figured out the Earthcare deal, the answer had to be simple!

  6. Winnecke putting Rose Young in charge is the same as Weinzapfel putting Steve Schaeffer into a power position. Never would have happened.

  7. Here’s the Link to Earthcare Energy’s Website if anyone wants to view it. I did a search and found it a few weeks ago when all of this news about them broke. I was surprised at what it lacked. It showed a recent test of this part that is to revolutionize mother earth (HA), the site lacks a real picture of this part it shows a graphic of the part and no real picture which made me wonder if it were even a real part that we could pick up and hold, the site itself appears quite low-end as far as cutting edge goes! If you compare it to other Green Sites it is lacking. If you look at the address it is a Suite address not a factory address………doesnt pass the sniff test. What do you think readers and bloggers here at the CCO?

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