Earthcare Energy Letter to the Evansville City Council and Response by 3rd Ward Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff Riley


3rd Ward City Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley

The following email from Kenneth Haney to the Evansville City Council regarding the questions directed at the agreement between his company Earthcare Energy and the City of Evansville with the recommendation of GAGE was supplied to us by 3rd Ward City Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley and is reprinted by the City County Observer with her approval. Both emails are published without edit, opinion, or bias and are for the education of the people of Evansville.

Mr. Haney’s Email to the Evansville City Council

Dear distinguished Councilmen and Councilwomen,

My name is Kenneth Haney and I am the Chairman and founder of Earthcare Energy. I hope to meet each and every one of you in the near near future but for now I would like to apologize for not being able to attend the recent council meeting in which Stephen Geldmacher (my CEO) did an outstanding job answering all of your excellent questions regarding our technology and our decision to put our first and only anywhere in the world Manufacturing and Assembly plant in Evansville.

Ladies and gentlemen please keep in mind that our TFG technology is not a new technology but an approved upon technology that has been proven efficient and reliable since the 1960’s.
It was around the time in the 1970’s that the technology was shelved only because energy prices were so cheap back then that it was not cost effective to even manufacture the Helical Screw Turbine technology.

Now we are living in an environmentally conscious society and a world of soaring energy prices which makes our Total Flow Generator (TFG) an in demand world wide clean and cheap energy technology making Solar and Wind virtually obsolete because the TFG provides base line power, meaning that unlike Solar and Wind our TFG provides 24/7 clean affordable energy.

Folks you can Google Helical Screw technology and see for your self this isn’t rocket science but proven technology.

I have sent over inventor’s Patents today to Debbie Dewey. I also want to be very clear folks that we have no competition period.
I cannot guarantee that there will not be copy cats in the future even though we have patents but when did that ever stop anyone determined enough to violate them. Even though I would be on them with a lawsuit that will make their heads spin I still cannot guarantee this won’t happen so I will never promise you that. What I can promise you folks is that Earthcare Energy will flood the market so fast that the copy cats can’t effect our market share enough to do us any damage. Being the first to market insures our success for the long term. As you good folks know this is business 101. This is why Earthcare Energy’s business is to License other qualified Agents and Dealers because our market is so enormous
that we can’t cover enough ground without recruiting all over the world. This is also the business model of tech giants such as Apple, Dell, HP. They all have licensees such as Best Buy and Resellers. I used to be a Reseller for all those brands myself.

I also want to address all the comments you are reading about from some citizens and so called engineers. One word folks (Haters).

Folks we at Earthcare have provided everything that we have been asked within reason for your due diligence and I appreciate the work you have put in this process. You have a powerful tool at your finger tips that I provided you with which is again attached to this email and that is a thorough Engineering report from the US Government Department of the Defense on our TFG. While Earthcare Energy is under a strict US Government NDA I have attached this report for your use. I see some of the comments the nay Sayer’s write or the so called engineers out there trying to make a name for them selves. The DOD brought in the worlds best engineering firm to evaluate our our technology. Folks you don’t get no higher than the Department of Defense and you will read in the report we passed with flying colors and you will see that the Author of the report recommends the Government moves on our TFG without delay. You will also read that Authors
Excellent Scientific BIO. If I had to choose I would certainly bet on the DOD engineers than a bunch of folks who don’t know anything about what they are saying but you have a high level engineering evaluation at your finger tips.

Folks this is about bringing jobs to your city for your citizens and to be clear it was I who offered to give Evansville $32M revenue sharing to show our support for the City in return for your support of Earthcare Energy’s Loan.

Yes, we had better offers from cities around the country especially South Carolina. So why Evansville then? It’s simple, we can have a significant positive impact on Evansville by eradicating the unemployment rate. Folks it’s not always about the money but where I am needed the most and I raised my kids in Evansville and my son lives there now with his wife and my grand daughter.

On the 26TH you will make in my opinion one of the most important Votes in Evansville history based on what Earthcare Energy can bring to Evansville. The US Government will smile upon Evansville and tell the rest of the country ” they need to do it like Evansville did.

Folks our backgrounds speak for itself. DOD does not deal with flakes or Conn artist.

I know you will make the right decision come the 26TH because you are all visionaries and you want to do the right thing for your great city. Earthcare Energy is the next Google where ever we go.

Thank you all for your service and consideration. The citizens of Evansville and Mayor Winnecke are blessed to have a great group of folks like you in office looking out on their behalf.

Please feel free to call me directly with any questions. I would be honored to speak with you all.

The Department of Defense report is attached.

Ken Haney


Mr. Haney:

Thank you for your email. I really appreciate your interest in Evansville, and I am hopeful that you are able to build a manufacturing facility here. However, I am concerned about the representations that were made by Mr. Geldmacher Monday night and by your email. Both of you have stated with no uncertain terms that the total flow generator is patented technology of which you have the exclusive rights. Mr. Geldmacher also stated that Richard Langson owns the patent, and that Langson Energy is an agent for Earthcare Energy. My major concern with your statements is that you don’t actually have a patent. The information you sent to Ms. Dewey listed a patent application number. I looked it up, and I do see where Mr. Langson has applied for a patent, but it has yet to be issued. It is my understanding that there is no protection from copying until the patent is issued, and there is ultimately no guarantee that your application will be approved. There is a significant difference between a patent application and a patent. My concerns are heightened by the comments of Mr. Geldmacher that there are ownership issues and your statements that you wouldn’t be surprised if you were copied. When Mr. Geldmacher appeared on Monday and admitted ownership issues in response to one of the questions, I assume that he also knew that the patent application had not been approved. Without a patent, anyone is free to copy and market the machine you are calling a total flow generator. Under the circumstances, I do not understand why you and Mr. Geldmacher have represented that you have the exclusive rights to a patent. You actually claim more than one patent in your email. Your statements are unclear at best. Only one of 3 things can happen with this patent application. You could actually get a patent, or you could find out that there is prior art or that the technology is already in the public domain. If there is prior art, then your machine violates someone else’s patent, and if the technology is in the public domain, then anybody can manufacture and sell it. What possible assurances can you give us that this patent is going to issue? Given the misrepresentations that have been made, please understand that your verbal assurances aren’t enough. If you are confident that a patent will issue, then open up your patent prosecution and let us see the objections and search report. I would like for this to work, but you’ve created a hot mess with all these statements about having a patent.

Stephanie Brinkerhoff Riley


  1. And folks if you give us the 5 million on March 26th, we’ll throw in our patented magical elixir. And rember folks, I am not a flake or con….

  2. If the email from Ken Haney is reprinted exactly as sent by him, then I am very concerned that the City of Evansville is dealing with someone who represents himself as a legitimate businessman, but who is willing to transmit such an unprofessionally written raft of refuse!

    Mr. Haney, do yourself a favor and have someone who can compose a proper business letter do so in the future rather than embarass yourself like that again.

    • That is his email word for word. Even if I wanted to make something up to cast doubt on this deal, the truth is more than sufficient.

      • Seriously, Steph, it would be interesting to see any other letters written by Mr. Haney just to compare with that email. Anyone claiming to be a business person who would send something like that, obviously without running it through spellcheck or grammar check, must be a rank amateur or possibly temporarily impaired.

        • If he was impaired, it must be ongoing. I’ve seen some emails he sent to Joe Wallace, and they are basically the same in terms of grammar, spelling, ego, etc. His last one said that “enough is enough.” He thinks he has undergone enough scrutiny and we should just write the check.

          • Councilwomane Brinkerhoff-Riley,

            Thank you for sharing this info and being up front and honest. I do agree that the email/letter was poorly constructed, improper grammer, and several spelling errors.

            Someone should tell this guy that “Conn” should be spelled “con”.

          • Thank You Stephanie! You said exactly what needed to be said! Bravo! Woot Woot!

            Go Riley! Go Riley! Go Riley! Go!

          • His email is extremely unprofessional and your response was great until you used the term “hot mess.” If you were only responding that way because of how ridiculous his writing was, then that’s fine.

  3. I agree with Haney that this is an important vote for City Council. It’s absolutely imperative that this joker is sent packing. Dewey spent how long setting this up? It took the brains of city council 4 days to get an admission that there wasn’t a patent, and 5 days for the pressure to drive Haney to send his crazy ass email. I hope the rest of city council is paying attention to McGinn and Brinkerhoff Riley.

  4. Heck the GAGE secretary that stole did way less damage to the city than someone (Dewey) who supports giving $5M to this fool is doing. Is this town really this blasted stupid?

    • How much did that woman steal? I think it was $15k or so. I bet that is less than has already been pissed away on this boondoggle, not to mention the recommendation to toast $5 Million for a headline or two. What a joke.

    • The city is building homes for $240.K and selling them for $125.K and you are asking “Is this town really this blasted stupid?”

      There is no escaping facts like that, we are either hicksville, or little chicago. I am leaning towards little chicago.


  5. Good job Stephanie Brinkerhoff Riley. Keep on it. The Council has the power to demand all questions are fully answered. If not,turn down the project. Who are the City’s experienced business and technical advisors for this project?

    “Folks” (pun intended) It appears— Dewey has been “Duped”.

    • If this is the best that Gage and Dewey can come up with they need to lock the doors and send big Deb back across the money saving bridge. Is Weinzapfel involved in this deal for a finder’s fee? This seems like something that he would do.

  6. Wow. Geeminy.
    I admit I’ve had a couple but now feel sober.
    Gee whiz.
    Thanks for the laugh.

  7. Gosh, I apologize for my wise hindquarter post above after reading Ms. Riley’s letter.

    Didn’t read it before posting.

    That is one nicely written letter.
    Kudos !

  8. Somebody call Hunden Strategic Partners. We have some more vetting for you to do.

  9. Just as I thought: A scam promoting a perpetual motion device that turns out to be a fraud. Somebody on the City Council ought to buy a copy of “Seventy-Six Trombones” from Rhapsody, e-mail it to Kenneth Haney, and send him packing.

    Adios, amigo!

  10. “Haters” I stopped reading when Haney invoked the word ‘hater.” So anyone questioning the idea does not have valid concerns, they are haters?

    Haney was actually doing a good job answering some concerns. Although I thought it was unprofessional, I could overlook the word “approved” being used in place of “improved.” I was more disturbed by his choice of skipping the $5 million meeting. What was more important to the future of Earthcare? I think he also minimizes the concern of “copy cats.” Taking someone to court does not mean you will prevail no matter how enthusiastic you are. What is so revolutionary about this proven technology that there couldn’t be a boat load from China on it’s way tomorrow?

    But when we have to start calling people with questions haters, what’s next, bigots?

    Evansville taxpayers do not need to be bank rolling this endeavor. Or in the words of the old song, “Fools rush in, where angel investors fear to tread.

  11. Is he stating that we are folksy haters ? Has kind of a nice balance to it, so I’m OK with that.

    • Yes, we do it the Arlo Guthrie way- I don’t want a pickle, I just want to run you down with my motorcycle…

  12. “I have sent over inventor’s Patents today to Debbie Dewey. I also want to be very clear folks that we have no competition period.” (Ken Haney, local attorney, chairman and founder EarthCare Energy, LLC)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Mr. Haney:

    Do you have a signed agreement with the “inventor” that precludes him from licensing his patent to entities?


    • Since this technology is well documented, I can not figure out why the need for the inclusion of the cloak and dagger US Government non disclosure agreement, or even how that is germane to the proposal before the city council.

      It would not surprise me if the US Government classified it in order to prevent the taxpayers from seeing what they paid. Who does not remember the $60. toilet seats?


  13. This all sounds METH RELATED. How did this get the approval of GAGE and its board? Any halfwit can trick Winnecke but tricking a board?

  14. When dealing with government legislation and programs it is always best to as ask two very simple questions:

    1. Who gets

    2. Who pays

    Question number two is almost always the same as it is in this case: the taxpayers will pay.

    The answer to question number one is seldom as easy as the answer to number two, but here are some names that have come up thus far, please feel free to add to the list if you have verifiable information:

    Ken Haney

    Ben Kunkel



  15. I continue to be impressed by the level of the independent thinking of Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff Riley and Councilman Dan McGinn. Would that we had 7 more like them on council.


  16. I was hating a little more, “Earthcare Energy is the next Google where ever we go.” Where ever? what’s that, a narcissistic threat threat?

    • That statement about being the next Google is either delusional or incredibly stupid. We do not need taxpayer dollars behind either of those.

  17. I would like to commend Councilman Riley for her timely letter. This is much better than the questions Councilman Friend posed on city matters ONLY WHEN HE WAS ON THE BALLOT.

    • Friend seems to only be a friend that will look out for the common folk’s good during the 6 months leading up to an election. Not a peep out of him about Vectren or anything else since election day.

      • I know Friend works 40 hours a week. I have seen him in offices around the tri-state area. Give the guy a little break. He is working on the Vectren issue…

        Fly on wall.

  18. But it makes soup!!!

    I’d just gotten back from seeing the Lorax when I sat down to watch this fellow-beware, folks. Speak for the trees, please.

  19. I have just begun reading this blog and am disappointed by all the naysayers. Is there anyone else reading this blog that believes this could be a progressive move on behalf of the growth of Evansville and reap long-term benefits? I just hope major Council decisions are not being made by the vocal minority. Just saying…..

    • I think our readers and our writers are calling for a professional period of due diligence and deliberation. This thing has not be tested under real conditions, the business plan is not even worthy of consideration by a real investor, yet it is recommended that the City loan them $5 Million? Give us all a break on this premature vote.

      Earthcare may be a great win for the City of Evansville. Lets mitigate some of the risk by vetting it the way real investors do as opposed to how the City has vetted the McCurdy and the downtown hotel.

      • “This thing has not be tested under real conditions”

        You mean “been”? Its okay because it is so easy to make typos when responding to blogs. We all should be understanding.

        Just saying…

    • “I just hope major Council decisions are not being made by the vocal minority”

      Funny you say that because what seems to be happening here is that major CITY decisions are being made by a non-vocal minority. The vocal posters on this site are merely asking the questions that the Council needs answers to in order to make a responsible decision on behalf of the majority. If, as you say, the naysayers are a vocal minority please tell me where we can find the majority that feels this is a solid investment. Where are the supporters? Let’s hear the facts they have to back up their support. I have yet to find any threads on the C&P site or local news channel sites that are having discussions on this topic. They rarely even report on it.

  20. These snake oil peddlers couldn’t get a loan from AIG but some of our council is slobbering all over them like a teenager with a porno book

    • I wonder if Steve Jobs was ever called a snake oil peddler. Anyone that ever slobberded on his early ideas are laughing all the way to the bank now. Just saying…

      • Steve Jobs had something new. These guys don’t even have the patent that they said they have. These dudes are no Apple. If you think they are buy some if the shares they are supposedly peddling.

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