Early Voting by Party or NOT


Courtesy of our free overtime working Vanderburgh County Clerk Susan Kirk:

Total Early Votes: 5,951

No Party Specified: 4,929

Party Specified: 1,022

It looks like independent minds and not partisan drones are out there at at 5 to 1 majority.


  1. I doubt that any “Robinson” democrats crossing over to vote for Winnecke are declaring their party.


    • No one “declares” in a general election. They “declare” in primaries. What many Democrats will do in this election is press the ballot number for “straight party Democrat,” to make themselves feel good and normal, and then go down the screen a few places and press Winnecke’s number for mayor, thereby over-riding the straight party vote for Davis but letting the remaining votes count for their Democrat candidates for clerk and council.

  2. I do not understand “no party specified”. You do not specify party in this election. What does it mean? Does it mean you did not vote a straight ticket?

    • This is for you, Mr. GoldenTOW, of Central Committee Chairman Owens fabled secret midnight TOW of the JFK food booth from last years Fall Festival:


      The local Central Committee officers were warned by the State Democratic party and in circle the wagons response they signed the “we are family” resolution for Connie Robinson that this matter has been resolved internally. They are playing an amazing game of “chicken” with the State Democrats. The gang of 23 gambles the State Democrats are to chicken to try remove the local party leadership if the gang of 23 can hold together, with one of the signors and his $750,000 war chest as their ace in the hole. If Mr. Davis wins, as a loyal Democrat, and with the State Democratic party, they will remove the disloyal Central Committee officers for breach of duty. If a Republican wins as they hope, they may cling to power unless Mr. Davis announces election night that he will run again in 4 years under a unified Democratic party. Then Mr. Davis and State party dismantle the disloyal machine and start over with 4 years to create a unified party of honor and purpose. The gang of 23 will do all in their power to keep their local Democrat power, despite knowing their leadership acted against the majority of their own primary voters and in direct subversion of their sworn duty as local Democratic party officers.

    • Duh! at the top of the ballot you can check a party affiliation..it lets you vote a straight ticket…the remainder of the boxes let you vote for individual candidates.

      YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PICK A PARTY! which apparently by a 5-1 margin people are doing.


    • “No party specified” means they split their tickets by voting for one or more candidates in both parties. For example, if I go in and vote for the Republican mayor, Democrat clerk, two Democrat council at-large, one Republican council-at-large, and a Democrat ward council candidate, then I am “no party specified.”

      If I vote a straight party ticket, then I am “party specified.”

      If like several voters I’ve heard did today, go in and vote straight Democrat at the top of the ballot and then go down and over-vote for Winnecke, I am “no party specified” because I cancelled the straight party vote for Davis.

  3. Question – Can one vote for only one or two at-large city council candidates as opposed to the three that are “expected”? I am having a really hard time justifying 2 much less 3 votes in this category.

    • Yes, you may vote for one, two, three or zero at-large council choices.

      What happens though is when you press the vote space on the screen, a message will come up that looks like it wants you to go back to that page and vote for 3. But it’s just a warning that you have not voted for the maximum number of candidates you are allowed. It prompts you to reaffirm that you only want to vote for one or two rather than three and when you press “yes” it moves you on to the rest of the ballot.

  4. yes you can. The machine will tell you that you aren’t finished, or something like that. Just over ride it or tell it you are done. You can vote for only 1 office, or vote for office/#of people you want. Thanks for voting. Can’t help the next line, but def a supporter, PICK RICK DAVIS!

  5. We don’t declare party affiliation for the general election; primay yes. Someone must think we, the people, don’t have a clue to the process. What an insult!!! Who ever came up with this crap needs to find another game to play!

  6. The Control Central at Democrat headquarters should be very very afraid of the independant voter turnout, their dirty laundry has motivated the Voters wanting the Snegal Evansville politics cleaned up, to go to the polls. Veracity is getting Dizzy trying to spin it into something else.

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