Dr. Richard Moss, Candidate for Congress, Commits to Joining the “Freedom Caucus


It Is Time to Put Hoosiers First and Restore America to Greatness

Jasper, Indiana. Dr. Richard Moss formally committed to joining the “Freedom Caucus,” the conservative bloc within the Republican Caucus in Congress at the announcement of his candidacy on September 9, 2017.

Dr. Moss, who ran against Congressman Larry Bucshon in 2016 is deeply concerned about the direction of the Republican Party. “I intend to win this Congressional seat and join the Freedom Caucus. We need to build a critical mass of constitutional conservatives within the Republican caucus and transform the Republican Party into an honest to God, hard-hitting principled Conservative party, not the big government, big spending, liberal progressive party it is today.”

“It is becoming harder and harder to distinguish the Republicans from Democrats in Washington. Career politicians from both parties go to Washington, cut deals, grow the size of government, and bankrupt our children. We need new conservative leadership in Washington DC, new conservative leadership from Indiana’s 8th Congressional district, a new conservative leader who will go to Washington, take on the career politicians in both parties, and fight for we, the American people.”

Dr. Moss then focused his attention on Bucshon. “It didn’t take Larry long to become another typical DC politician. He has even moved his family to Washington, just like Richard Lugar and Evan Bayh. He would rather mingle with Washington insiders and lobbyists than do what the voters of Indiana sent him to do. Hoosiers voted Lugar and Baye out of office and they ought to do the same for Larry.”

“Larry has never met a spending bill he didn’t like. He votes for massive trillion dollar Omnibus bills, 1500 page monsters that no one reads that fund all the things he says he’s against like sanctuary cities, the EPA, amnesty, Planned Parenthood, the Iran Nuke Deal, and importing more Syrian Muslim ‘refugees.’ Like every establishment Republican he campaigns like a conservative but votes like a liberal. He voted for the phony House Obamacare replacement bill, Obamacare 2.0. or SWAMPCARE. It doubles down on Obamacare, maintains its basic structure, only making it worse, ensuring an even more rapid collapse of the health care market, but this time with Republican fingerprints all over it, leading to single payer. That is the SWAMPCARE bill Larry Bucshon voted for. As a doctor he should have known better. Thank God the Freedom Caucus held strong and prevented it from passing.”

Dr. Richard Moss is a board certified head and neck cancer surgeon and was a candidate for Congress in 2016. He graduated from the Indiana University School of Medicine and has been in practice in Jasper and Washington, IN for over 20 years. He is married with four children.

For more information visit RMoss4Congress.com. Contact us at hq@rmoss4congress.com. Find Moss For Congress on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.