Dr. Moss Formerly Files To Run For Congress For Indiana’s 8th District


Jasper, Indiana

Dr. Richard Moss will oppose incumbent Congressman Larry Bucshon in the Republican primary on May 8, 2018

Indiana voters are finding it hard to believe that after seven years of promises, and grassroots support through three historic wave election victories, the Republicans still couldn’t deliver on repealing Obamacare.

Dr. Richard Moss, in a talk before the Second Amendment Patriots in Evansville, said, “We sent our representatives to Washington to do a job. We did not send them there to break their promises or capitulate. But on issue after issue, capitulate is exactly what they have done.”

“I have deep concerns about the direction of our country and the behavior of our federal government. I believe that the greatest threat facing this country is not Iran, Russia, China or ISIS but Washington DC. It is career politicians in both parties who go to Washington, cut deals with each other, grow the size of government, and bankrupt our children. We need new conservative leadership in Washington. New conservative leadership from Indiana’s 8th district. We need someone who will stand up to both parties and represent we the American people.”

In his speech, Dr. Moss said, “Congressman Larry Bucshon has taken a page from Richard Lugar’s and Evan Bayh’s playbook by moving his family to Washington. He doesn’t live in the community he represents. Instead, he hangs around Washington insiders and lobbyists and forgot what the voters in Indiana sent him to do.”

Dr. Moss’s platform will be based on four principles, American Values, Opportunity For All, Liberty, and American Strength.

American Values include promoting a culture of faith and family, the twin pillars of a strong civil society. He believes that America is founded on the Judeo-Christian tradition and embraces freedom of religion and traditional marriage. He opposes transgendering out military, schools, and bathrooms.

Opportunity for All is the way to prosperity for everyone including the poor, the young, and working Americans left behind. He wants to unleash the American economy by cutting taxes and spending and rolling back insane regulations and EPA rules designed to stifle the power and creativity of our free market system. He promotes energy development including fracking, fossil fuels, and nuclear. He favors the repeal of job-killing Obamacare and insists that every Congressman is on the same health care plan they have imposed on us. He supports balancing the budget, limiting the size of government, and term limits.

Dr. Moss feels that freedom is at the heart of the American greatness and exceptionalism. He stands for liberty, American sovereignty, our Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

With American values, American opportunity and American freedom, we must realize that a country can’t survive on the good intentions of our foes. That’s why Dr. Moss supports American Strength by rebuilding our National Defense. The world is safer and America is safer when we have the strongest military in the world.

Finally, he believes that our country is not safe unless it can protect its borders from terrorists, drug smugglers and illegal aliens who take American jobs and depress wages. He opposes DACA, amnesty, chain migration, and birthright citizenship. He would build a wall. He considers it a disgrace that 16 years after 9/11 the federal government still hasn’t secured our southern border.

FOOTNOTE: Dr. Richard Moss is a board certified head and neck cancer surgeon and was a candidate for Congress in 2016. He graduated from the Indiana University School of Medicine and has been in practice in Jasper and Washington, IN for over 20 years. He is married with four children. For more information visit RMoss4Congress.com. Contact us at hq@rmoss4congress.com. Find Moss For Congress on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


  1. All good points, Dr. Moss. However they will all become irrelevant the minute amnesty for illegal aliens becomes law; and I think congressman Buschon will help pass that law.
    In fact, I think Trump’s proposal is going to cause illegals to flood the border before “debate” on a bill even starts.

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