Dr. Glassman featured speaker at Public Library


Forensic anthropology topic at Friends annual meeting
October 16, 2012 – Evansville, IN – On Sunday, October 21st, the Public Library Friends will host Dr. David Glassman at Central Library. Dr. Glassman – an anthropologist, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Bradley University, and former dean of the College of Liberal Arts at USI – will speak about forensic anthropology and talk about some of the most unusual cases he has been involved with.

Dr. Glassman’s presentation will begin at 2:00 pm in the Browning Events Room and is free and open to all.

This program is co-sponsored by One Book One Community. This year’s reading selection, Flash and Bones by Dr. Kathy Reichs, greatly focuses on forensic anthropology and crime scene investigation.

The annual meeting of the Public Library Friends will follow Dr. Glassman’s presentation. The meeting is open to the public, and anyone interested in becoming involved with the Friends is encouraged to stay and learn more about how this group supports the EVPL.