Home Political News Dr. Bucshon’s Statement on Senate Approval of Tom Price

Dr. Bucshon’s Statement on Senate Approval of Tom Price



(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D.  released the following statement applauding Senate confirmation of Tom Price, M.D. as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services:

“There’s no one more uniquely qualified to lead HHS at this challenging time. His experience as a physician and tenure as Budget Committee Chairman make him the perfect partner to Congress as we work on behalf of patients to repeal and replace Obamacare,” said Bucshon.“Dr. Price is a good friend and a good man who cares deeply about patients across this country. I look forward to continue working with him to expand access to quality, affordable healthcare to all Americans.” 


  1. I can understand Larry’s support for Price. Larry became a millionaire practicing as a cardiologist and Price became a millionaire practicing medical care and insider trading as a legislature. Both have made millions in the private system. I am puzzled because Larry’s party, the Republicans, have been wanting to repeal and replace ACA or Obamacare for at least 7 years. That means they (Republicans) have had quite some time to come up with a viable replacement plan. Why have they failed to do so? Is it because they can’t find a suitable replacement? Or is it because it is far easier to keep chanting “Repeal and Replace”? I do not know of anyone including Obama that would stand in the way of a replacement that will offer more than the current system. I welcome repeal and replace IF it is indeed a better system and not one that will make Larry or Price more weathy.
    Perhaps we need to replace Larry with someone more interested in Southern Indiana than simply have a rubber stamp in Washington that approves any and all Republican plans? Perhaps we need someone in Washington that will help get our coal miners retrained into progressive jobs? Perhaps we need someone in Washington that supports an actual reform of health care delivery instead of another rubber stamp for whatever Republicans want. Perhaps we need a representative that will fight for a minimum liveable wage, Perhaps we need a representative that will support the small farmers instead to the corporate farmers, perhaps we need a representative that will make corporations pay their fair share of taxes, Perhaps we need a representative that will force power plants to not turn off their scrubbers at night thus making this one of the top 4 most polluted areas in the country,

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