Dr. Bucshon’s Statement on President’s Budget Blueprint


Eighth District Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. released the following statement regarding the Trump Administration’s proposed Fiscal Year 2018 budget released this week:

“President Trump put forth a fiscally responsible budget blueprint that prioritizes our national defense and military, expanding job opportunities, and growing wages for hardworking families over growth of government and bureaucracy in Washington, D.C.,” said Bucshon. “While these priorities are a good starting point for Congress, there are specific portions of the budget blueprint, like the President’s proposed reduction in funding for medical research at institutions like the NIH, that I do have concerns with. Ultimately, the Constitution grants Congress the power of the purse and responsibility for establishing the federal budget. I look forward to working hand-in-hand with the Trump Administration as Congress works to pass a responsible, balanced budget that respects hard-working taxpayers while also providing funding for the priorities of the American people.”


  1. Seldom Seen Larry Bucshon has no business in congress. He is emblematic of what is wrong with this country. He is an enemy of working people everywhere. Surely to God this district can come up with something better than him. He has not done a thing for the 8th District except embarrass it. He is also an inveterate liar like his hero Drumpf. His allegiance is to the wealthy, not the working folks.

    Vote him out before he turns violent and starts having his goons attack newspeople. He has shown latent tendencies to do just that. Early on he had protesters physically ejected from his goofy ‘town halls’.

  2. Totally agree with Bandana. I am surprised to see any statements from our seldom seen congressman. I wonder if he will be willing to have a town hall meeting (I should say “open” town hall meeting) while on his lengthy summer vacation in August?

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