Dr. Bucshon Votes Against Iran Deal


House rejects the Iran nuclear deal, votes to suspend the President’s ability to lift sanctions.

(WASHINGTON, DC) – On Friday, Eighth District Congressman Larry Bucshon released the following statement after voting to oppose the Iran nuclear agreement:


“On the 14th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, we are reminded that the stakes have never been higher in our efforts to protect our nation and allies from the enemies of freedom. Unfortunately, this nuclear agreement negotiated by President Obama and Secretary Kerry fails to make the world a safer place and paves the way to a nuclear Iran. The deal gives Iran $150 billion that even the President has admitted will help fund organizations that kill Americans and allows Iran to acquire intercontinental ballistic missiles that will give the regime long-range firing capacities. Our negotiators gave up these concessions, yet failed to secure the release of four Americans who are still detained in Iran. Not to mention, Congress and the American people still have not received the full agreement, including the secret IAEA side deals. Finally, like most Hoosiers, I cannot trust a regime that publicly chants ‘death to America’, refers to the United States as ‘satan’, and expresses its desire to eliminate Israel in the next 25 years to act in good faith. As a member of Congress who swore an oath to protect the American people, I cannot support this deal.”


The House rejected (162-269) H.R. 3461, to approve the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, signed at Vienna on July 14, 2015, relating to the nuclear program of Iranand passed H.R. 3460, to suspend until January 21, 2017, the authority of the President to waive, suspend, reduce, provide relief from, or otherwise limit the application of sanctions pursuant to an agreement related to the nuclear program of Iran.


On Thursday, the House passed H. Res. 411, a resolution stating the President has not fully complied with the Iran Nuclear Agreement Act of 2015 by failing to provide Congress with a copy of an agreement between the IAEA and Iran, and that, as a result, the president remains unable to lift statutory sanctions against Iran



On July 14th, Dr. Bucshon posted the Iran deal to his website for his constituents to review and provide feedback: http://goo.gl/4lRMnA.


On July 15th, Dr. Bucshon released a statement expressing his concerns with the deal: http://goo.gl/wYydUl.


On August 5th, Dr. Bucshon released a video outlining his opposition to the nuclear deal and encouraged Hoosiers to review the text and provide feedback. That video can be accessed by clicking here: http://goo.gl/grYKLO.


On August 26th, a group of nearly 200 retired generals and admirals sent a letter to Congress urging opposition to Iran nuclear agreement arguing it threatens national security.


On September 8th, Dr. Bucshon released a statement supporting a letter sent by Governor Pence and 14 other governors to President Obama highlighting state-level concerns with the Iran deal: http://goo.gl/tzy0d3.


Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. is a physician and Republican member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee serving his third term representing Indiana’s 8th Congressional district. The 8th District of Indiana includes all or parts of Clay, Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Gibson, Greene, Knox, Martin, Owen, Parke, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Sullivan, Vanderburgh, Vermillion, Vigo, and Warrick counties.  


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