Home Political News Dr. Bucshon speaks on House Floor in support of Sleep Apnea Bill

Dr. Bucshon speaks on House Floor in support of Sleep Apnea Bill


“If the Department of Transportation, specifically the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, decides they want to weigh in on sleep apnea, they need to do so by a rule making process.”

  Representative Larry Bucshon (IN-8) spoke on the House floor to urge his colleagues to support H.R. 3095, a bipartisan bill he authored to require due process on a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration guidance and save America’s trucking industry $1 billion dollars.


Click on the image below for Bucshon’s full speech urging his colleagues to support H.R. 3095.

The House will have a recorded vote on H.R. 3095 on Thursday, September 26, 2013.


The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure unanimously passed H.R. 3095 on 9/18/2013.


Yesterday, POLITICO referred to Bucshon’s bill as a show case for “…what just might be the most efficient Congress has been in years.” (POLITICO; 9/24/2013)


    • I doubt that would ever happen. This apnea thing is targeted strictly at commercial drivers by FMCSA, see;


      My question is this; why all of a sudden this attention by the House or for that matter, FMCSA? You know what will happen now that it has politicians attention.

      You will see a new law further restricting, meddling, the flaunting of power that need not happen. At some point they will add a policy/law/etal requiring a truck driver submit to the equivalent of a blood/alcohol test but designed to test blood/oxygen content. If your over you will be fined. In short thrift this “law” will be deemed a success and applied to ordinary drivers like you and me.

      Don’t think that will happen? Why do you think FMCSA created Report No. DOT-RT-02-030? They are laying the ground work. What ever they do will end up costing truckers more money and further entrenchment of meddling in our lives.

      I consider the whole thing despicable since there has been AFAIK any discussion about the ramifications opened up by the House preliminary actions of this bill. They don’t want you to know or think about those as it would expose their true intentions.

  1. Buschon is a blowhard. I’ll cross over and try to help primary him again if the tea party runs another lunatic like Risk.

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