Dr. Bucshon Responds to the President’s Iran Deal


On Wednesday, Eighth District Congressman Larry Bucshon released the following video outlining his opposition to the nuclear deal negotiated by President Obama. Bucshon also encouraged Hoosiers to review the text and provide feedback on his website athttp://bucshon.house.gov/press-release/irandeal.


“Again, this is a bad deal that threatens the security of Americans at home and abroad as well as our allies around the world. It must be stopped,”said Bucshon. 



Watch the video by clicking here: https://youtu.be/KmFCdAnMtLM. The text is available in full below.


“Hey – I’m Congressman Larry Bucshon.


“Over the last few weeks, I’ve made it clear: I do not support President Obama’s Iran deal and I’ve vowed to do everything I can to stop it. No deal is better than this bad deal. 


“Here are five quick reasons why:


“One. This deal does nothing to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

“Two. Iran will have access to nearly $150 billion in frozen assets that will be undoubtedly used to support terrorism and organizations that kill Americans.

“Three. The small arms embargo on Iran is lifted after 5 years and ballistic missile embargo is lifted after 8 years allowing this dangerous regime to deal arms with countries like Russia, China, and Syria. 

“Four. The deal does not comply with the basic “anytime, anywhere” inspection standards that every expert agrees should be included.

“Five. Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism that has history of cheating past agreements, has vowed to eliminate Israel, and continues to promote anti-American rhetoric. This regime cannot be trusted to act in good faith. 

“The President is doing his best to make the American people believe that our only choice is this bad deal or war. That is a false choice.


“Even some of the President’s strongest Democratic allies in Congress are hesitant to support this agreement because we have more effective alternatives.


“We can negotiate from a position of strength by blocking this bad deal and tightening the sanctions that are working.


“Sanctions put in place in 2012 brought Iran to the table in the first place.


“As Congress continues our debate, I want you to be a part of the process.


“That’s why I’ve posted the full text of the deal to my website. Visit bucshon.house.gov/irandeal to review the deal and share your thoughts. 


“Again, this is a bad deal that threatens the security of Americans at home and abroad as well as our allies around the world. It must be stopped.