Home Political News Dr. Bucshon Responds to SOTU

Dr. Bucshon Responds to SOTU



(Washington, DC) – Congressman Larry Bucshon, a physician from Southern Indiana, released the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address.

Dr. Bucshon stated:

“I hoped the President would take tonight as an opportunity to offer real solutions that address the challenges we face as a nation.  Families are struggling in the Obama economy, growth is stagnate, and confidence is at an all time low, yet we heard the same political rhetoric from behind the podium.

“The President called for action on jobs, yet his policies have led to the lowest labor force participation rate since the Carter administration, more Americans are living in poverty than when he took office, and nearly 8 million Americans are involuntarily employed part-time.

“Despite the President’s promises, healthcare costs are on the rise, patients are being dropped from their health plans, and many are losing access to their doctors. Young people are struggling to get on their feet and find a job after they graduate from college.

“The House is working to expand opportunity for all Americans so that they can build better lives. We’ve passed over 40 jobs bills that still sit in the Senate, including approval of the Keystone pipeline. We’ve offered healthcare reforms that reduce rising costs and put patients back in charge of their decisions because our goal is to provide quality, affordable healthcare to all Americans. And, we’ve worked to reform taxes so that everyone is on a level playing field.  

“Instead of reaching across the aisle to work with us on these issues, the President spoke more about executive fiat and working around Congress. This is not what our founders intended and is an ineffective approach to leadership during divided government.”


  1. Offer an alternative, doctor instead of just parroting what Nordquist tells you.

    • I believe he mentioned that alternatives have been brought forth. They sit in limbo in the leftist controlled Senate. But lets not fool ourselves, barry doesn’t want to hear any other ideas, just as you never attempt to listen to alternate ideas. You are a wandering sheep who believes barry is the Messiah. You drink the Kool Aid and you would join the lemmings as they jumped off the cliff. All you do is pop in with your left inspired talking points and try to shout down those who believe otherwise. Put you sir never accept responsibility for the failure that your great loved president has brought to this once great country.

      Cue the name calling and/or shifting the subject matter so he doesn’t have to be wrong.

  2. Few know about the other factors involving the Keystone Pipeline. Few know that there are Indian Reserves up North that cover all of the land where the pipeline is to come through. The Indians are up in arms that our government conveniently ignores them in the debates, even though its their land that we are talking about. Building the pipeline with the current plan = violating the treaty with the Indians (again).

    It appears that Buschon either doesn’t know this or doesn’t care. And if we don’t care about the rights of the Indians, who else is really cared for?


      • Higher Fuel Prices in 15 States
        According to TransCanada, KXL will increase the price of heavy crude oil in the Midwest by
        almost $2 to $4 billion annually, and escalating for several years.72 It will do this by diverting
        major volumes of Tar Sands oil now supplying the Midwest refineries, so it can be sold at
        higher prices to the Gulf Coast and export markets. As a result, consumers in the Midwest
        could be paying 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel, adding up to
        $5 billion to the annual US fuel bill.73 Further, the KXL pipeline will do nothing to insulate
        the US from oil price volatility.74

        Larry voted to allow foreign workers and foreign materials to be used on the pipeline. So much for American jobs.

        On February 15, 2012, he voted No on an amendment to HR 3408 to require the crud be sold in the U.S.

        On May 22, 2013, he voted against a motion to HR 3 to require firms receiving tar-sands crude to pay into the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.

        I watched TransCanada’s officials on C-Span years back testifying before Congress and they stated the pipeline would create 6,500 jobs while being constructed and around 50 permanent jobs when completed.

        “I’d put my money on that he doesn’t care,” Ghost said.

        Only his hairdresser knows for sure. – See above picture


          Somebody count to 10 because Larry just got knocked out COLD!

          I wish we had some Democrats that could run like this!

          All we get to run is “Smoot-Hawley” China Dave Crooks and the like.

    • The Keystone Pipleline is an abomination from beginning to end. I really hope POTUS never approves it for environmental reasons, the Native American objections, and because I’m on the list of old women who volunteered to be arrested if he does.

  3. There are no words for how loathsome and disgusting this nation and its people have treated Native Americans.

    It appalling how heartless we can be.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    • Can we get the congress together to sing “Hail to the Redskins” before speaking with forked tongue yet again. Seriously, our government is so eaten up with political correctness that we can’t call the Redskins or Braves by their names but can steal land from the reservations.

  4. Bucshon has a limited future. There is no depth from the guy. Nothing authentic. The GOP Chamber of Commerce lobby will look to take this seat back if he continues to take his directions from Freedom Works and other losing Tea Party trash.

  5. Every year the Democrat Party holds a special dinner to honor the memory of Andrew “the Thug” Jackson, whose disgusting treatment of Indians in the Southeast is one of the most shameful episodes in our country’s history.

    Look for the local OFA foot soldiers sitting in the cheap seats at the Democrat dinner to drink long and hearty in old Andy’s memory.

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