(Washington, DC) – According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report released this morning, the economy added only 113,000 jobs last month, lower than what economists expected. The unemployment rate saw little change at 6.6% and the number of Americans actually participating in the workforce remains at its lowest since the 1970s.
Rep. Bucshon (IN-08) released the following statement:
“As many Americans struggle through the fifth year of the slowest economic recovery since WW2, we are reminded again that the President’s policies are standing in the way of any chance at sustained growth.  This week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported that ObamaCare is effectively a tax on labor that will push 2.5 million full-time workers out of workforce, hampering job growth and exacerbating our already low labor force participation.
“The President still refuses to pass the Keystone pipeline project, which will create thousands of good-paying jobs and help secure American energy production, despite his own State Department’s report that the project will have no significant impact on the environment.
“In the House, we want every American to have a fair shot at finding a job and we have passed dozens of jobs bills that will grow the economy and expand their opportunity to do so. I hope the President will join us, so that we can promote a stronger economy that gives hardworking Americans the opportunity to climb the ladder of success.â€
7.3 million Americans are involuntarily part-time workers, which means they are employed “…part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find full-time work.†(BLS; 2/7/2014)
3.6 million Americans have been unemployed for 6 months or more (accounting for more than 1 out of every 3 persons unemployed), while the total number unemployed is 10.2 million. (BLS; 2/7/2014)
Real unemployment, a measure that includes discouraged workers and those employed part-time who would rather work full-time, was 14.0% and the labor force participation rate was at 63%. (BLS; 2/7/2014)
This week, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office reported that ObamaCare is a tax on workers that will push 2.5 million full-time workers out of the workforce by 2024. (Forbes; 2/4/14)
“The State Department’s latest study — the product of more than five years of investigation — largely confirms the conclusions of previous assessments and those of many independent energy experts: Allowing the firm TransÂCanada to build Keystone XL, which would run across the Canadian border to Steele City, Neb., is unlikely to have significant effects on climate-change-causing greenhouse gas emissions.†(Washington Post; 2/5/14)
Former Energy Secretary under President Obama, Steven Chu, has confirmed that the President’s decision to hold off on the construction is purely political. AND Former Interior Secretary under President Obama called the project a win-win.
I love how he passes the buck. How many jobs bills did Bucky write? Any? None? I thought so.
All he’s done is vote to “reconfirm” guns laws while adding a little pork to that pie.
Let’s get rid of him!
You mean like building the Keystone XL? What jobs bill do you want him to write get-a long” What jobs have the democrats written, more unemployment compensation, higher minimum wage, Obamacare?
Look at you passing the buck like the typical Bucky disciple….
Here’s the thing, if you accomplish stuff, then your main talking points can be about the stuff you accomplish.
If you don’t accomplish anything, then all you can do is complain about the other guy’s doings.
The gist is….Bucky doesn’t accomplish anything. (Except somehow raising his net worth while serving in public office – he does like to pocket the grift)
As always, liberals choose to demean what they can not debate. I am not a “Bucky disciple, but I like him better than Ellsworth.” The gist is that you said nothing note worthy in your response.
Would the XL pipeline create jobs? Even Obama has come to see that. So Mr. letsallgetalong, can we at least get along with that idea?
The XL pipeline will create about 30 permanent jobs and the oil will be sold out of country. The questions is so we want to continue wrecking our environment for the oil companies?
This pipeline will bring the Chinese owed sand tar oil from Canada to Southern United State to be process and then shipped to the owners in the Orient. Won’t help our energy one bit. Remember it’s global now!
Had this been a U.S. sole adventure where it would helps us 100% on lowering the price of energy, I would be 100% for it. But we are not, just the whores of big business!
Just a side note, TransCanada originally wanted to run the pipeline straight West to the ocean since that would have been the shortest route to where the majority of the tar sands is going to end up anyway (Asia,) but the province of British Columbia would have no part of it for environmental reasons.
They need a few Pubs up there to straighten that damn place out.
Lets land lock those sand tar pits where the product can not move. Force the Chinese to sell the reserve for pennies on the dollar.
That’s the capitalist way!
Bucshon is the worst representative the 8th has sent since Hostettler. I hope he was a better doctor. He’s drawing opponents like flies to a steaming pile. Wouldn’t surprise me to see constitutional scholar Kristi Risk primary him. She’s got my vote if she does, just like last time she cranked it up.
Larry’s Bucky Backers do him no favor, showing the level of folks he appeals to.
Hostettler lasted 12 years, Ellsworth replaced him for a term, then the voters put Bucshon in for multiple terms. The voters are onto your cross dressing in the primaries.
Hostettler didn’t represent anything but a retrograde religious agenda. That’s why you are still so enamored of him. It is the reason you have posted so obsessively and incessantly against same sex marriage. Hostettler took his paycheck for 12 years, ususally barely winning, and did not represent the 8th district in any meaningful way except to embarrass it. Other representatives refused to work with the gun toting scofflaw, no one would after his unconscionable vote against Katrina aid. I think he was one of two out of 435 that didn’t vote for it (if that’s not exactly right it’s pretty close).
Buschon has been elected twice. Saying he’s been ‘put in by the voters for multiple terms’ is typical dishonesty.
Your defense of Hostettler is a fine example of what I mean by the level of the Bucky Backers.
LOL. I give thumbs up to your post and some Olympic Strunk and White style points for the use of the word
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