What is Going On In The Vanderburgh County Republican Party?

News and Upcoming Events for January 26, 2021


   VCRP Central Committee Meeting – 1/27/2021 

                   Location: GOP Headquarters, 815 John Street, Evansville

        Meetings are open to all Vanderburgh County Precinct Committeemen.

Contact Office at 812-425-8207 if you have any questions

Indiana GOP

Indiana’s Congressional Delegation was recently sworn into the 117th Congress in Washington. We’re proud to have sent these Hoosiers to represent the hardworking men and women who make up our great state!

These Republicans have what it takes to fight for us and we wanted to give you a chance to know a little more about them.

Jackie Walorski – 2nd Congressional District
Jackie has represented the 2nd district since 2013 and is a lifelong Hoosier, born and raised in South Bend. She works hard toward common-sense solutions to grow our economy, strengthen national security, and care for our veterans.

Jim Banks – 3rd Congressional District 
Jim is also a Hoosier native and veteran. Now serving in his third term, he is a proven conservative leader who has worked tirelessly to rebuild our military, secure better care for our veterans, cut taxes and grow our economy, protect the right to life and defend our religious liberty.

Jim Baird – 4th Congressional District
Jim is a lifelong resident of our 4th district, which he has been representing in Congress since 2019. He is also a Vietnam Veteran, a farmer, and small business owner for more than three decades.

Victoria Spartz – 5th Congressional District
Victoria just began her first term as a U.S. Representative, after winning the battleground 5th District this past November. She is the first Ukrainian-born member of the U.S. Congress and the first member born in a then-Soviet Republic.

Greg Pence – 6th Congressional District
Greg is entering his second term serving the 6th district, and vows to serve its constituents rather than serve special interests. He is a proud husband, grandfather, Marine, small businessman, and faith-driven conservative.

Larry Bucshon – 8th Congressional District 
Dr. Larry Bucshon has served the 8th district since 2011. Prior to that, he spent 15 years as a practicing physician in the private sector, specializing in cardiothoracic surgery. Since elected, he has been a recognized leader in the fight to lower the cost of health care, and advance patients’ abilities and freedom to make their own health care decisions.

Trey Hollingsworth – 9th Congressional District
Trey is a successful business owner who has been serving the 9th district since 2017. He began renovating factories right out of college, and now owns a business that provides for more than one hundred families right here in Indiana. He supports the private sector, term limits, and shrinking government power over our day-to-day lives.

We are proud of our Representatives and are looking forward to supporting their service in the 117th Congress.

Thank you,

Kyle Hupfer, Chairman IN GOP

Indiana GOP
It’s been an incredible experience to watch our former Governor, Mike Pence, excel in the role of Vice President alongside President Trump.

The Vice President played a key role in passing historic tax cuts in 2017. He chaired the White House Coronavirus Task Force which delivered COVID vaccines quicker than anyone imagined, and he’s stood tough against China on the international stage to strengthen America’s standing in the global economy.

Mike Pence has made Indiana proud while serving on the global stage and now that his term as Vice President has concluded, we want YOU to sign his Thank You card as he returns to Indiana.

Sending him your thanks and well wishes is easy! All you need to do is click or tap here to sign his e-card. Don’t miss your chance though! We’ll be giving him the list of supporters the moment he steps back on Hoosier soil.

Thanks for your support,

Your Republican Team

What:             GOP Caucus for Office of German Township Trustee Board
Where:         C.K. Newsome Center – 100 E. Walnut St. Evansville
When:          Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 6:00 PM (doors open at 5:30 PM)

As Chairman of the Vanderburgh County Republican Party, I am calling a Republican German Township Caucus to be held on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 6:00 PM.
The purpose of the Caucus is to fill the vacancy on the German Township Trustee Board.  This position is vacant due to the election of Board member Frank Peterlin to the Trustee position.
Any person interested in filing for this vacant trustee board position must reside in German Township, must complete a CEB-5 and CAN-12 forms, and have submitted these forms to Wayne Parke, Republican Party Chairman, prior to 4:00 PM Friday, January  29, 2021. Only German Township Precinct Committeemen will be allowed to vote to fill this position. The ONLY proxy allowed is the Vice-Committeeman who can vote in the absence of the Precinct Committeemen. 
At the Caucus, each candidate will  be permitted to have someone make a two-minute nomination speech and the candidate will be given three minutes to tell the PCs why they are the best candidate.
Wayne Parke
Chairman, VCRP
815 John St.
Suite 110
Evansville IN 47713>


The Resiliency of Hoosiers

A historic week is coming to a close, and it is one that I won’t soon forget. I had the high honor to be among the supporters who welcomed Vice President and Second Lady Mike and Karen Pence back home again to Indiana. On behalf of Hoosiers throughout our state, I thanked Mike and Karen for their exemplary service to our state and nation these last four years. As Vice President, Mike Pence served with the character, courage, and honor that we’ve all known him for and that was instilled in him growing up in Columbus.

We also heard Governor Holcomb deliver his annual State of the State address. Delivered virtually this year, the governor laid out a bold agenda for Indiana’s future and reminded Hoosiers of our firm foundation. This foundation, laid by Governor Holcomb, Pence, Daniels, and other Republican leaders these last several years, has Indiana in a position to bounce back from the pandemic quickly and continue growing for all Hoosiers. Governor Holcomb is setting up 2021 to be a year of recovery, growth, and continued optimism because Hoosiers are resilient and our future is bright.

The New Year is in full swing, the legislative session is heating up and your Indiana Republican Party will continue our relentless pursuit of positive conservative results for our state. To borrow a line from The Who, “I’ve got a feeling ’21 is going to be a good year.”

Mid-Week Musings
January 20, 2021
Engaging Young People in the GOP
           Young volunteers and donors generally fall into two main groups: Generation Z and millennials. The groups come from different eras and have their own unique characteristics.
Generation Z consists of people born between 1996 and 2010. These are teenagers and people in their mid-20s who grew up early in the 21st century. This generation is characterized by traits, including:
·        A passion for activism (particularly about causes related to gun violence, bullying and social issues).
·        A desire to be treated as equals.
·        An interest in entrepreneurship (they may start their own business, or their own party).
·        A willingness to donate (after being inspired by a social media message).
Millennials are people born between 1977 and 1995. These are people in their mid to late 20s or early 40s today. This group is characterized by traits, including:
·        Support for human rights (advocacy for victims of child abuse or human trafficking).
·        Growing representation (millennials are more than 25% of the US population).
·        Interest in donating (84% give to charity and 40% are enrolled in a monthly giving program).
·        Interest in volunteering (46% of millennials volunteer for a social cause they care about).
Both Generation Z and millennials use technology to get information. Almost 90% of 18-29 year-olds use social media channels. It is important to showcase your county party’s cause, upcoming events and fundraising efforts through social media. Engage young people in the GOP. Millennials and Generation Z will not only help fund our party but will also become our main advocates for later generations.
Keeping People Engaged Over the Long Term
           The Republican Party is a voluntary association. Keeping people engaged in the party is a challenge, especially in a time of great change. Here are some tips for retaining volunteers and donors, especially younger people:
·        Host unique, fun events. It may be hard to get away from traditional party fundraisers but give it a try. Get younger people involved who are willing to try new things. For instance:
·        Fun run
·        Celebrity auction
·        Travel raffle
·        Talent show
·        Dances
·        Sports tournament
·        Give young supporters a voice in your party.
·        Recruit/Appoint younger people to be Precinct Committeemen or Vice-Committeemen
·        Appoint young volunteers to committees and sub-committees
·        Give your volunteers titles such as Headquarters Coordinator or Data Director
·        Recruit younger people to be candidates (Get them started with lower-level local offices but don’t start them out lower than their expectations)
3.     Put young supporters in charge of social media.
·        Put younger supporters in charge of maintaining your social media accounts and website
·        Let them use their skills in a meaningful way
4.     Thank your supporters.
·        All volunteers and supporters want to be thanked and acknowledged
·        Send regular notes and thank-you emails
·        Post on social media
5.     Try video conferencing
·        People are more comfortable with video conferencing now
·        Use the techniques learned in the workplace for video conferencing
·        You won’t have to worry about not having enough room or food
Have You Considered a Virtual Event?
           Most of us had to cancel events last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps we can adapt by holding virtual events. Consider the following:
·        Can we simply transfer an original event to an online format?
·        We may provide a video presentation of a keynote speaker or do a training webinar.
·        How can we host virtual challenges with participants raising money as if they a competing with others?
·        You can market an event to people on your email list who don’t normally attend your regular events.
·        Ask your followers on social media for ideas.
·        Your supporters don’t need a fancy party as an excuse to donate. That is certainly true of your largest donors.
·        An online event may be easier to replicate each year than an in-person event.
·        If you market your events using a targeted email campaign, you might exceed your fundraising goals.
Kick Ass and Take Names
           One summer evening a dozen years ago I stood on the bluff in Rockport overlooking the Ohio River with a group of Republicans listening to U.S. Senator Richard Lugar take questions. Lugar, the statesman and champion of democracy, was responding to an audience frustrated by President Obama and Democrat liberalism. The audience was demanding strong leadership. However, there was an obvious disconnect between the audience who wanted to “kick ass and take names” and the Senator who lived and breathed the traditional civility of the U.S. Senate. That disconnect ultimately cost Richard Lugar his seat.
           The events of the past weeks reminded me of the fine line officeholders walk trying to make decisions in the best interests of the most people and keeping the electorate satisfied so that they can continue to serve. It is hard to do what is right. It is hard to hold to your principles despite the personal cost. For many people it is either black or white, there is no gray. We need to dedicate ourselves to civility and to accepting diversity. Instead of calling people names and demanding ideological purity, we need to seek to develop shared goals.  We need to listen and hear. We need to convince not coerce. We need to “walk in another’s shoes”. We have to start by unifying Republicans before we can unify all Americans.

Visit the Vanderburgh GOP 

page for daily updates.

  Mark Your calendar                CLICK on event for more information
GOP Caucus German Township Trustee Board Feb. 2, 2021 6pm @ C.K. Newsome Center
Postponed until further notice
GOP Breakfast – C K Newsome Community Center
  Postponed until further notice
Lincoln Day Dinner – Evansville Country Club.
If you have or know about event Please contact me at lonw@elwalters.com