Diners & Flying Saucers that look like the Arena



  1. No question as to how UGLY this whole fiasco is,–it’s right before our eyes, — it’s nothing but a monument to UGLY.–seems fitting for the Politicaly Ugly bosses of Evansville, to be forever remembered for UGLY.
    An expensive lession has been “taught” to the Citizens,— and my Parents always said those are remembered best.

  2. I’ve got an Idea, lets hang a $250,000 dollar piece of metal on the arena’s side, call it “Art”, and no one will notice the arena is an Ugly Pig. Yes, I know Lipstick is cheaper, but what the King wants….

  3. I love these photos.

    I felt the same way from day one. The arena is already dated. Maybe in 60 years or so it will be “quirky” like our art deco bus station is now.

    Why do our leaders feel the need to always be re-inventing the wheel? Can they learn nothing from cities like Indianapolis with Conseco and Lucas Oil stadiums? Classic designs that will not show their age before they are completed!

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