Digital Media Meets Historic House Tour


Twenty-first century technology catches up with the historic house tour at the concluding event of Evansville’s observation of Preservation Month. This program is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29 at 7 p.m. in the Reitz Home Carriage House.

The first “modern” presentation features Reitz Museum Home Director and Preservation Commission Chairman Mat Rowe’s virtual tour of the Riverside Historic District. This will be a power-point presentation discussing the characteristics of various styles of nineteenth-century residential architecture in the Riverside District.

The second part of the program will be “cutting-edge” presentations featuring the latest technology. Students from Jon Carl’s “Feel the History” class at Reitz High School produced this pioneering expansion to personal electronic media.

Featured will be four or five electronic programs highlighting the history and architecture of select houses in the /Riverside Historic District. These can serve as video walking tours of the district. The idea is that this will be expanded in the future and that people will be able to download them on their mobile electronic devices using QR codes.