Home General News Diapers For Area Pregnancy Centers

Diapers For Area Pregnancy Centers


EVANSVILLE, IND (FEBRUARY 11, 2022) – Right to Life of Southwest Indiana (RTLSWIN) along with Churches for Life are hosting its annual “Show Love from the Bottom Up” Diaper Drive that helps local pregnancy centers restock on diaper supplies. In 2021 almost 31,000 diapers were distributed to the centers. This year the distribution will include Birthright, Evansville Christian Life Center and Trotter House, Little Lambs and the Gabriel Project in Evansville, and Marsha’s Place in Henderson, Kentucky.

“What a wonderful way to show love in a very real and tangible way, by helping supply diapers to centers that are on the front lines of helping moms navigate an unplanned pregnancy,” said Amy Davis, Family Life Coordinator for RTLSWIN.

“Helping pregnancy centers with practical needs such as diapers is one way we can be of assistance in the cause for life because we care about children born and unborn,” said Mary Ellen Van Dyke, Executive Director for RTLSWIN.

Donations of diapers and wipes can be dropped off at participating area churches or at the Right to Life Office at 20 NW Third Street, Suite 810 in downtown Evansville through the month of February. Monetary donations are being accepted online at www.rtlswin.org/diaperdrive or checks can be mailed to the RTLSWIN Office at 20 NW Third Street, Suite 810, Evansville, IN 47708.