Desert Sun starting CCO like Division called iSun


The Desert Sun, a Gannet Publication that serves California’s Coachella Valley is starting a division that is dedicated to demanding accountability on a local level. The initial expose’ effort of iSun has been to investigate a FOUL SMELLING STENCH in a minority dominated community. Boy does that sound familiar. In the article announcing iSun it is stated that “There is no greater calling in journalism than to demand accountability. When reporters press powerful people and institutions for answers, we all are beneficiaries. Government enacts positive reform, pocketbooks are protected, neighbors stop suffering.”

Please have a look at this link. Maybe Gannet is taking lessons from independent publishers like the City County Observer that serve mostly as unpaid stewards for the public good.|newswell|text|Frontpage|p


  1. Wonder if the CCO could make a plaque with the quote ” There is no greater calling in journalism . . . “; attach it to one of those Mole awards, with the Mole proudly holding the plaque attached to his chest; and send it over to the C & P, ‘return receipt requested’ to make sure they got it ???

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