Vanderburgh County Democratic Party Chairman Scott Danks Calls For Meeting Of The Central Committee

Vanderburgh County Democratic Party Chairman Scott Danks Calls A Meeting Of The Central Committee Meeting To Discuss Connie Robinson Resignation


  1. What is wrong with Democratic party? Did Mrs Robinson talk to Mr Danks prior to writing the withdraw letter? Good Luck to the party I hope everything works out.

  2. Wait! I always thought that the Central Committee was a designation for the standing committees of the various Communist Parties. Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea, etc. You mean the Indiana Democratic Party also has a Central Committee?

    • Not much difference between the democrat and communist party. The Naked Communist written over 50 years ago listed taking over a political party as one of their 48 goals for America. Ms Robinson is already working outside party lines to get African Americans elected to more political offices at the expense of white democrat office holders. It worked with a trustee. She got caught by some local democrats, hope they don’t back down.

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