Local Democratic Party And Indivisible Evansville implementing A “Growing Neighborhood Leader Program”. 


The Neighborhood Leader Program (NPL) is creating a grassroots network one neighbor at a time. Given the current state of affairs, we hope you will join the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party and Indivisible Evansville in implementing and growing the Neighborhood Leader Program. 

The program is simple:

*Talk to Democratic voters in your neighborhood – about 35 homes right around your house.

*Talking to your neighbors is the best way to turn out voters. Nothing else is even close. For example, Oregon neighborhoods using Neighborhood Leader Program had 87% turnout.

*Knock on doors of your neighbors near election time, pass out slate cards (who is on the ballot), and encourage them to vote. If they are not home, you can try again at your leisure.

*Grassroots work translates into winning elections.

Sign up to be a Neighborhood Leader here: 

Next, plan to attend one of the NLP training programs:

March 24; 1-3 p.m Central Library
April 28; 1-3 p.m. Central Library
May 19; 9-11 a.m. Central Library
June 23, 1-3 p.m. Central Library

Ideally, all of our Vanderburgh County Precinct Committee Persons will sign up to be Neighborhood Leaders, but ALL interested are encouraged to sign up for the program.

Thank you,
Kristen Cirino
Secretary, Central Committee
Vanderburgh County Democratic Party


  1. The democrats will be working extremely hard to overcome their negatives during the upcoming elections. They have to convince voters that they don’t want open borders, and uncontrolled mass immigration, sanctuary status for all illegal immigrants without regards to their criminal activity and have no concern for the opioid addiction fuel by illegal drugs brought in by illegals. The have to convince voters that they want to modify the 2nd amendment, not terminate it. They have to convince voters that the 1st amendment is for everyone not just liberals. A vote for democrats is a vote to empty your wallet. Let’s not make the 2008 mistake again, we send a democrat to congress and he became a Pelosi lapdog. Send another one to congress and there’ll be a fight to see who get him first, Pelosi or Waters. We need to restore pride in America again, be adult, be smart, be proactive, vote conservative. Indivisible is really a way of promoting class envy.

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